Recent research has highlighted alarming levels of inactivity among teenage girls. Data suggests that inactivity and sedentary time are two of the driving forces behind rising rates of poor mental health, obesity, and disinterest in sports and physical activity.

Updated: Friday 14 June 2024

Published: Friday 14 June 2024

Joining the gym for the first time can be a daunting experience, regardless of your age or ability. But help is at hand. Personal Trainer Denise Collman shares her top tips on getting the best start.

Updated: Friday 22 March 2024

Published: Tuesday 1 September 2015

The health of your mind and body are intrinsically linked, but only 3 in 10 people acknowledge that exercise helps their mental health, according to latest data from our Healthier Nation Index. We'll discuss how physical activity can help to prevent and manage stress.

Updated: Monday 20 November 2023

Published: Monday 15 April 2019

Do you shy away from the gym for fear of damaging your joints? You needn’t be worried. Exercise can in fact help to protect your joints, as well as relieve pain. “I don’t do that exercise because it’s bad for your joints.” Sound familiar? It’s a common reason people avoid exercises like running, weight training or some classes.

Updated: Friday 22 September 2023

Published: Tuesday 2 October 2018

Not getting as much exercise as you’d like? Whether you’re still working from home, or you’ve become less active since the pandemic, Professor Ben Kelly, Head of Clinical Research has five tips to help get you moving and improve your health.

Updated: Tuesday 10 January 2023

Published: Wednesday 30 March 2016

Speaking to kids about their emotional wellbeing can be challenging. Cognitive Behavioural Psychotherapist at Nuffield Health, Ekta Mansukhani, shares 10 tips to help you have conversations with children about mental health.

Updated: Friday 7 October 2022

Published: Thursday 11 July 2019

The past 18 months have been immensely challenging. The stress of the pandemic and being confined to our homes has understandably resulted in some unhealthy habits. Prevention Lead Gosia Bowling and Head of Emotional Wellbeing Brendan Street discuss how we can get fitter and healthier, from exercising more to having a better sleep routine.

Updated: Friday 7 October 2022

Published: Wednesday 28 April 2021

One of the key ways to maintain good mental health is to live life in a way that gives you a sense of pleasure, achievement and a feeling of being close to others. Brendan Street, Professional Head of Emotional Wellbeing, explains how living life in line with your values, as well as with a sense of purpose, will help you to do this in a consistent way.

Updated: Friday 7 October 2022

Published: Tuesday 22 June 2021

Anti-ageing isn't just about creams or serums. Your nutritional health plays a key role in staying healthy both inside and out. In this article, Matthew Gardner, a Registered Nutritionist at Nuffield Health, gives his health and wellbeing tips to ageing gracefully.

Updated: Friday 2 September 2022

Published: Thursday 12 September 2019

Discover activities that will help your family stay fit and well while having fun at the same time. You'll barely even notice you're exercising.

Updated: Friday 2 September 2022

Published: Wednesday 27 February 2019

Small changes to your lifestyle could make you happier, and see you living a longer, healthier life. There's no magic cure, but Head of Clinical Research Dr Ben Kelly has 5 top tips to help you keep your mind and body firing on all cylinders well into retirement.

Updated: Tuesday 7 June 2022

Published: Thursday 31 August 2017

Navigating children’s questions, worries and anxieties about the conflict in Ukraine can seem an overwhelming task. It is difficult to know how to respond to children’s fears when we may be uncertain or fearful ourselves. Additionally, it can be difficult to know what or how much to say in relation to the situation. Emotional Wellbeing National Lead Gosia Bowling shares tips on how to approach the conversation with children.

Updated: Friday 4 March 2022

Published: Friday 4 March 2022