Research shows that people who exercise regularly tend to experience better emotional and mental health. Movement is also proven to help alleviate symptoms associated with mental health conditions like depression and anxiety.

Updated: Wednesday 24 April 2024

Published: Wednesday 24 April 2024

The physical health benefits of regular exercise for young ones are well known. What’s less explored is how movement can help with restlessness, worry, anxiety and a lack of focus in children.

Updated: Monday 22 April 2024

Published: Monday 22 April 2024

What counts as physical activity? Unfortunately, this age-old question doesn’t have a simple answer. There are many different types of physical activity, all of which get us moving in different ways. Keep reading to learn more about what constitutes moderate physical activity (as defined by the NHS) and how including some vigorous movement can further improve our overall health.

Updated: Monday 15 April 2024

Published: Monday 15 April 2024

For some people, exercise is an intimidating word that conjures up images of fitness classes and marathons. The reality is that movement and exercise are for everyone, no matter what your ability or starting point. There are loads of free ways you can get moving and incorporate exercise into your day without attending the gym or pushing yourself too hard.

Updated: Monday 15 April 2024

Published: Monday 15 April 2024

Walking is a free and simple way of getting out and moving your body. This often-overlooked form of exercise has several mental and physical health benefits that are proven to help with weight loss, joint pain management, and our mood.

Updated: Thursday 11 April 2024

Published: Thursday 11 April 2024

We often think of exercise as something intense or as activities we do in the gym, but when we're looking at building healthier habits, it’s just as important to appreciate all the movement we do throughout the course of the day. This includes things like cleaning, walking the dog, and playing with our children.

Updated: Friday 22 March 2024

Published: Friday 22 March 2024

There’s a lot that goes into an exercise routine, both mentally and physically. For some, changing things up every few months helps keep things fresh and exciting. For others, the idea of new exercises and unfamiliar territory in the gym can be daunting. We’ve asked our experts for their opinion on mixing up your exercise routine and whether trying something new is always worth it.

Updated: Friday 22 March 2024

Published: Friday 22 March 2024

Joining the gym for the first time can be a daunting experience, regardless of your age or ability. But help is at hand. Personal Trainer Denise Collman shares her top tips on getting the best start.

Updated: Friday 22 March 2024

Published: Tuesday 1 September 2015

If you’re fasting during the holy month of Ramadan, getting your body the fuel it needs ahead of a workout can be difficult. Thankfully, with a few adjustments, Muslims around the world are able to continue exercising and working out without the need for food or drink during daylight hours.

Updated: Friday 8 March 2024

Published: Friday 8 March 2024

For runners of all abilities, the marathon distance demands a dedicated and structured training plan to complete. If you’ve worked your way through the 5k, 10k and the half marathon distances and are ready to think about tackling 26.2 miles, you’re in the right place.

Updated: Wednesday 14 February 2024

Published: Monday 9 October 2023

Resistance training is a great way to build muscle, improve mobility, and lessen your risk of injury. Nuffield Health Senior Health and Wellbeing Physiologist Inez Griffin explains what resistance training is, what it's good for, and when you should be doing it.

Updated: Wednesday 24 January 2024

Published: Monday 4 January 2016

Think resistance training isn’t for you? Think again. Building strength and improving your overall health and wellbeing with resistance training can be beneficial for everyone. Keep reading to find out how resistance training can help you and what stereotypes and inaccurate information you should ignore.

Updated: Wednesday 24 January 2024

Published: Wednesday 24 January 2024

Continuous training is a form of exercise that is performed at a 'continuous' intensity throughout and doesn’t involve any rest periods. Nuffield Health Senior Personal Trainer Phil Goulding explains what continuous training is, what it's good for and when to do it.

Updated: Tuesday 23 January 2024

Published: Tuesday 5 January 2016

Staying fit and healthy is just as important for kids as it is for grown-ups, but it can be difficult to find ways to make it fun.

Updated: Tuesday 23 January 2024

Published: Wednesday 23 August 2023

Pelvic floor training has changed a lot in recent years. With so many devices available, claims about building pelvic floor strength and curing incontinence are commonplace. Confused? Unsure where to start with pelvic floor muscle training? You’re not alone.

Updated: Tuesday 23 January 2024

Published: Thursday 24 August 2023

Using a foam roller can be a highly effective way of improving your post-workout recovery. Helping to increase mobility, foam rolling can also reduce onset muscle soreness and aid with the function of our vascular and parasympathetic nervous systems. Wondering how it works? Nuffield Health National Physiotherapy Lead Jodie Breach helps explain what foam rolling can do for your performance and recovery.

Updated: Tuesday 23 January 2024

Published: Monday 18 September 2023

You’ve chosen your Personal Trainer and purchased some sessions, but what now? Feeling a little anxious? No need for nerves. Ross Harris, Nuffield Health’s National Fitness Operations Manager, offers pointers on how to prepare.

Updated: Friday 19 January 2024

Published: Tuesday 21 March 2017

The 5km distance can be both accessible and challenging depending on your experience. Tailored for beginners looking to get into running, our eight-week training plan combines running with strength training to help improve your cardiovascular fitness and get you ready to run the 5km distance.

Updated: Wednesday 17 January 2024

Published: Friday 28 July 2023

The half-marathon distance bridges the gap between “short” distance and “long” distance running. For beginners or those that have done a 10k event it the past, 13.1 -miles (21km) is a challenging but attainable distance – as long as you have the right training plan.

Updated: Wednesday 17 January 2024

Published: Wednesday 10 January 2024

The 10km distance is a challenging and rewarding distance that tests new and experienced runners alike. Whether you’ve just completed a 5km and are looking for a new challenge, or you’re eyeing up a new PB, our plan can help.

Updated: Wednesday 17 January 2024

Published: Friday 12 January 2024