How long does it take to recover from varicose vein surgery?
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15 August 2014
The realisation: Wendy's 57th birthday
As Wendy chooses her outfit for her birthday dinner, she realises with some shock that she's not worn a dress on her birthday for the last seven years. In fact, she's stopped wearing them altogether on account of unsightly varicose veins.
September 2014
Horse riding becomes uncomfortable
A month later, Wendy notices increased aches and pains in her legs after riding. Spending time on the horses becomes less enjoyable.
16 November 2014
Varicose veins surgery Open Event
A friend tells Wendy about an open event at her local Nuffield Health hospital discussing varicose veins. She books herself in and meets Consultant Vascular Surgeon, Mr Simon Hobbs at the event.
2 December 2014
Full varicose veins surgery consultation
Wendy arranges to meet Mr Simon Hobbs again, after making an appointment at the open event. They discuss the options and opt to treat both legs with radiofrequency ablation. Wendy decides to pay for herself and books a convenient date after the holiday season to have treatment.
29 January 2015
Wendy has varicose veins surgery
Wendy returns to have her procedure. She has local anaesthetic and the treatment is completed within two hours. Wendy is given compression stockings to wear and is able to walk out of the treatment room and go home the same afternoon.
5 February 2015
Rapid recovery from varicose veins surgery
One week after her procedure, Wendy is able to discard the compression stockings she was wearing to prevent DVT and gets back on the horse.
June 2015
Confidence restored after varicose veins surgery
A few months later at her son's engagement party, Wendy wears a stunning knee length skirt and she couldn't be happier.
Last updated Tuesday 5 December 2017
First published on Monday 15 August 2016