Meet Simon, an energetic 61-year-old who refused to let a nagging hip condition hinder his active lifestyle. Simon received a hip replacement at Nuffield Health Leeds Hospital under the skilled hands of Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon, Mr James Hahnel, assisted by the cutting-edge surgical Mako Robotic-Assisted Arm Technology.

Updated: Wednesday 3 July 2024

Published: Wednesday 3 July 2024

Many hernias won’t cause immediate pain or problems, but they can present a real risk if left untreated. Here’s how to spot a hernia and what to do next.

Updated: Thursday 13 June 2024

Published: Monday 14 March 2016

On the slopes, knee injuries are a constant threat. They make up around one third of all injuries and can result in serious ACL and MCL damage. Consultant Trauma and Orthopaedic Knee Surgeon Saket Tibrewal explores prevention, treatment, and why knee injuries specifically are becoming more and more common.

Updated: Friday 8 March 2024

Published: Friday 8 March 2024

The back is one of the largest sections of muscle and bone in the human body. Because of its size, the back is more prone to injury and damage than other areas, which makes strengthening the muscles in the area vital.

Updated: Tuesday 3 October 2023

Published: Monday 6 June 2016

Keith Eyres, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon, answers five common questions about knee pain to help you understand what’s wrong and give your knee the right treatment.

Updated: Thursday 28 September 2023

Published: Friday 3 January 2020

During a global sporting event, it’s inevitable that there may be an increase in sporting injuries. Jodie Breach, National Physiotherapy Lead at Nuffield Health, has shared some of the more common injuries during a football match, and the physiotherapy exercises you can use to increase your strength, balance and stability.

Updated: Thursday 28 September 2023

Published: Friday 9 December 2022

From ACL ligament injuries to shin splints, from muscles strains to tendon pain, injuries happen to even the fittest people at times. Dr Davina Deniszczyc, Medical Director at Nuffield Health, shares her top five tips for preventing and treating common injuries.

Updated: Thursday 14 September 2023

Published: Friday 13 September 2019

Mr Arijit Ghosh, an experienced orthopaedic knee specialist, explains the most common sporting injuries, how you can aid recovery at home and when it’s time to seek medical intervention.

Updated: Thursday 14 September 2023

Published: Thursday 14 September 2023

Physiotherapy isn’t a treatment reserved for elite athletes, or even for those recovering from an injury. In fact it can be used to improve your health in many surprising ways. Here are five signs that you may need physiotherapy.

Updated: Friday 8 September 2023

Published: Wednesday 9 September 2015

Our natural response to musculoskeletal pain is to do as little as possible. But what if that pain is persistent? Regional Clinical Lead Physiotherapist, Adam Bellis, explains how exercise can help manage pain and get you on the path to recovery.

Updated: Tuesday 22 August 2023

Published: Monday 8 August 2016

Two knee injuries left Heather doubting she’d ever go back to her active lifestyle. But meeting with a Nuffield Health physiotherapist gave her the confidence to recover.

Updated: Friday 18 August 2023

Published: Tuesday 10 March 2020

Everyone has different pain tolerance levels, but if you're experiencing mild musculoskeletal pain, try practicing these natural techniques to improve how your body copes, without using painkillers.

Updated: Thursday 10 August 2023

Published: Tuesday 2 October 2018

When a knee injury prevented Rudy Killworth from doing what he loves most - competitive dancing, he consulted Anton Horne, Physiotherapy Manager at Nuffield Health Leicester, to learn how rehab could get him competing again.

Updated: Wednesday 19 July 2023

Published: Tuesday 31 January 2023

Pilates has become a major wellbeing trend in recent years, but its benefits aren’t just for fitness buffs. Here’s how Clinical Pilates can work for those living with injury and a range of health conditions.

Updated: Thursday 13 April 2023

Published: Monday 17 October 2016

Illness and injury not only keep you from doing the things you love, but can also get in the way of your work. Here's how to access fast, effective care and get back to work sooner.

Updated: Wednesday 12 April 2023

Published: Wednesday 6 April 2016

Injuring yourself on the mountain can be a scary and frustrating time. Nuffield Health Senior Physiotherapist Andrew Letheren offers some sage advice for what to do if you take a tumble on the slopes.

Updated: Wednesday 14 September 2022

Published: Monday 9 November 2015

Rehab is something we’re all familiar with. Sporting injuries are common and require a programme of physiotherapy and sometimes medical attention to allow you to get back on track. It can be a lengthy and painful process. But a new practice is emerging, which allies itself to the mantra ‘prevention is better than cure’. The process is called ‘Prehab’.

Updated: Friday 2 September 2022

Published: Friday 19 June 2015

MRI scans are among the safest medical procedures available yet some patients dread the experience. Here's our top tips for how to stay calm and get your scan.

Updated: Tuesday 7 June 2022

Published: Friday 15 January 2016

Physiotherapy and surgery aren't the only remedies for injury. Adapting your diet can help support a faster recovery too. Shirley Ward explains.

Updated: Monday 25 April 2022

Published: Tuesday 19 January 2016

Worried about an existing scar or how scarring will affect your appearance after surgery? Here’s our guide to healing well and reducing the appearance of scars.

Updated: Monday 14 June 2021

Published: Thursday 29 September 2016