Just another groin strain?
- Overview
It's not uncommon to notice aches and strains which don’t resolve as quickly as you might expect them to. While it may be the result of a muscular strain, hip pain is often due to osteoarthritis (sometimes termed ‘wear and tear’).
Patients often explain that at first they thought they had a muscle groin strain which just didn’t get better.

Physiotherapy and over the counter painkillers are a simple first step but may not help. While it can be related to conditions that are not muscular or bone-related, groin pain is often an indicator of hip arthritis, which can also present as back, buttock or knee pain.
Lower back and knee issues are also very common problems and identifying the source of the pain can require the use of x-rays and, occasionally, injections to complement a clinical examination.
If symptoms don't resolve as expected then a review by a GP would be the next step. If the symptoms fit then an x-ray can be requested and a referral to a specialist hip surgeon made.
Weight loss, physiotherapy, painkillers and the use of a stick (in the opposite hand) can help manage symptoms. But if the pain persists or worsens then talking to your GP about an operation is reasonable.
Hip replacements are one of the best operations for relief of hip pain and restoring function and could offer you a renewed lease of life.
Last updated Tuesday 12 March 2019
First published on Tuesday 19 February 2019