The health of your mind and body are intrinsically linked, but only 3 in 10 people acknowledge that exercise helps their mental health, according to latest data from our Healthier Nation Index. We'll discuss how physical activity can help to prevent and manage stress.

Updated: Monday 8 July 2024

Published: Monday 15 April 2019

Most of us have experienced a hangover at some point in our lives. We might be familiar with some of the physical symptoms that a hangover can cause, but feeling worried, anxious, or restless are just as common in certain people when they overconsume alcohol.

Updated: Wednesday 19 June 2024

Published: Wednesday 19 June 2024

Stress-related mental health issues are becoming more and more common in the workplace. How we manage stress at work differs from person to person, as we all have our ways of processing emotions and relaxing.

Updated: Tuesday 28 May 2024

Published: Thursday 24 August 2023

Research shows that people who exercise regularly tend to experience better emotional and mental health. Movement is also proven to help alleviate symptoms associated with mental health conditions like depression and anxiety.

Updated: Wednesday 24 April 2024

Published: Wednesday 24 April 2024

Staying connected to others using our smartphone, tablet, or computer can have huge benefits. By always keeping in touch, we can manage relationships and stay connected with friends and family at the touch of a button. For some of us, this can feel tiring and like we are constantly tasked with keep up on message, emails, and social media posts.

Updated: Tuesday 23 January 2024

Published: Wednesday 15 November 2023

Exercise can have a positive impact on our sleep. Physical activity has proven benefits for improving sleep quantity and quality, giving you even more reason to maintain a regular workout routine. Find out more about the relationship between exercise and sleep and how getting active can help you find a good night’s sleep.

Updated: Monday 11 December 2023

Published: Friday 25 November 2016

Many of us experience fluctuations in our mood that can last days, weeks or even months. If the onset of depressive symptoms seem to coincide with changes in the weather or temperature, you may be experiencing a type of depression known as seasonal affective disorder (SAD).

Updated: Tuesday 14 November 2023

Published: Thursday 9 November 2023

Suicide is still a taboo subject that many of us find difficult to talk about. When we do have these conversations, our choice of language matters. Below, Nuffield Health Mental Health Prevention Lead Lisa Gunn explains how to approach the conversation of suicide using compassionate and understanding language.

Updated: Friday 29 September 2023

Published: Friday 29 September 2023

There is a wide range of support available for people struggling with suicidal thoughts. This can range from talking therapy, medication or psychiatric support if required. With the help of Mental Health Prevention Lead Lisa Gunn, find out more about medications for mental health problems, the link between suicide and substance abuse, and the treatment options for at-risk individuals experiencing suicidal thoughts.

Updated: Thursday 28 September 2023

Published: Thursday 28 September 2023

Staying silent on the subject of suicide helps reinforce the stigma and taboo around suicide which can lead to more people feeling they can’t reach out and get the support they need. Below, Nuffield Health Mental Health Prevention Lead Lisa Gunn helps you learn the best way to address the subject with compassion and understanding.

Updated: Monday 25 September 2023

Published: Friday 22 September 2023

We all know the benefits of relaxation and that we should be doing it more, but a lot of us don’t really know how. Making a conscious effort to relax might sound counterintuitive, but learning how to deliberately unwind can have a tangible positive impact on our long-term health and wellbeing.

Updated: Friday 25 August 2023

Published: Thursday 11 May 2017

For many, the New Year is a time for resolutions. Often these involve new exercise regimes or healthy eating plans, but we may be missing out the benefits of more holistic goals. Gosia Bowling, National Lead for Mental Health at Nuffield Health, shares advice on setting goals for both the mind as well as the body.

Updated: Thursday 6 April 2023

Published: Friday 30 October 2020

Valentine’s Day means different things to people and can often trigger a wide range of emotions. Gosia Bowling, National Mental Health Lead at Nuffield Health, shares tips and guidance on how, and what, to focus on this year to ensure you can get the most from the day.

Updated: Monday 13 February 2023

Published: Monday 13 February 2023

We all experience stress at various points in our lives. Here's how to recognise it and build the resilience needed to face it.

Updated: Wednesday 9 November 2022

Published: Friday 8 July 2016

Our minds are complex. Sometimes we may overthink or stress about situations, but changing our approach to the way we think can make all the difference. Prevention Lead Gosia Bowling and Head of Emotional Wellbeing Brendan Street discuss how our thoughts can sometimes make tough situations seem worse, while offering some healthier habits for our minds.

Updated: Friday 7 October 2022

Published: Wednesday 14 April 2021