Those going through their menopause journey can experience symptoms severe enough to impact their physical and mental wellbeing, such as night sweats and disturbed sleep. Louise Wright explains why this happens and how you can improve your sleep with ten lifestyle tips.

Updated: Tuesday 25 June 2024

Published: Thursday 9 February 2023

We all love a good night’s sleep, but for some of us it isn’t enough. When done properly, napping during the day can help improve energy and concentration levels. Unfortunately, it can also make it harder for us to fall asleep later in the day.

Updated: Wednesday 8 May 2024

Published: Monday 11 March 2024

As a parent, getting your child to sleep can be difficult. Whether they’re a toddler or a teenager, a lot of children struggle with bedtime. Thankfully, there are several small changes you can make to your child’s bedtime routine that will make getting them to sleep easier for them and you.

Updated: Wednesday 13 March 2024

Published: Wednesday 13 March 2024

Sleep is not an ‘option’, it’s something our bodies require to function at our best. Head of Preventative Medicine, Dr Ben Kelly, explains the benefits of quality sleep, what happens if you don’t get enough of it, and how you can improve your sleep.

Updated: Friday 1 March 2024

Published: Monday 5 June 2017

Nuffield Health's Head of Charity Brendan Street shares two cognitive behavioural therapy techniques to help retrain your body and mind to sleep well at night.

Updated: Tuesday 2 January 2024

Published: Wednesday 5 October 2016

Sleeping well is essential for your health and wellbeing, but many of us struggle to get quality sleep. Senior Health and Wellbeing Physiologist Luke Cousins shares nine lifestyle tips to help you sleep better.

Updated: Monday 11 December 2023

Published: Monday 8 August 2016

Exercise can have a positive impact on our sleep. Physical activity has proven benefits for improving sleep quantity and quality, giving you even more reason to maintain a regular workout routine. Find out more about the relationship between exercise and sleep and how getting active can help you find a good night’s sleep.

Updated: Monday 11 December 2023

Published: Friday 25 November 2016

Are you snoring so loud that your partner or someone you live with may be affected? Or is it just affecting your sleep? Nuffield Health consultant Mr George Murty, Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) Surgeon, provides his expert advice and answers questions about snoring issues.

Updated: Thursday 12 October 2023

Published: Thursday 27 April 2023

We all know the benefits of relaxation and that we should be doing it more, but a lot of us don’t really know how. Making a conscious effort to relax might sound counterintuitive, but learning how to deliberately unwind can have a tangible positive impact on our long-term health and wellbeing.

Updated: Friday 25 August 2023

Published: Thursday 11 May 2017

With temperatures in the UK are set to soar again this summer, it’s never been more important to prepare for the onset of hot weather. When a heatwave strikes, millions of us report diminished sleep quality which can result in irritability, difficulty concentrating and a loss of productivity the following day.

Updated: Friday 7 July 2023

Published: Friday 7 July 2023

Getting the right amount of sleep is essential to living a healthy life. In this guide, Nuffield Health's sleep experts cover everything you need to know about insomnia and how to treat it.

Updated: Thursday 13 April 2023

Published: Thursday 13 April 2023

Experiencing tiredness and even exhaustion while pregnant is common and made harder due to the difficulties faced when trying to get quality sleep. In this guide, Emma McKenna, Senior Health and Wellbeing Physiologist at Nuffield Health gives advice on how to get some much needed shut-eye.

Updated: Thursday 6 April 2023

Published: Friday 31 March 2023

Dr Unnati Desai, National GP lead at Nuffield Health, shares her expertise on the science behind beauty sleep and provides tips to optimise skincare regimes overnight.

Updated: Wednesday 22 March 2023

Published: Monday 12 September 2016

It’s estimated sleep apnoea goes undiagnosed in as many as 5% of adults in the UK. The difficulty of course, is it only happens while you sleep. Here are six signs to wake up to.

Updated: Tuesday 7 June 2022

Published: Friday 29 July 2016

A dip in body temperature can help get you off to sleep.

Updated: Tuesday 26 April 2022

Published: Thursday 10 November 2016

Good quality sleep is important for both our physical and emotional health. However, COVID-19 is impacting our ability to obtain quality sleep in a number of ways. Brendan Street, Head of Emotional Wellbeing, provides his top tips for improving your sleep quality.

Updated: Tuesday 9 June 2020

Published: Monday 20 April 2020

If you’ve felt like you couldn’t move during a dream, you may have experienced sleep paralysis. Aidan Innes, Health and Wellbeing Physiologist, explains sleep paralysis and its causes, and offers some tips to help you get a good night's sleep.

Updated: Monday 20 January 2020

Published: Monday 20 January 2020

Physiologist Jade Wells explains why you should pay close attention to your night time noises.

Updated: Tuesday 24 April 2018

Published: Monday 8 August 2016