Workout: The speed round
- Overview
Warming up with classic fat burners from mountain climbers to touch downs you’ll move onto sets of weights before hitting time challenge exercises. Get your stop watch prepped and see the pounds shed fast.
What you'll need: dumbbell, barbell, box/bench.
How to perform the exercises
Warm up
- Squat (30 seconds)
- Reverse lunge reach back (30 seconds)
- Wide-hand push ups (30 seconds)
- Mountain climbers (30 seconds)
- Walking high knees (30 seconds)
Set one
- Clean and press (20 seconds then rest for 10 seconds)
- Depth jump (20 seconds then rest for 10 seconds)
- Barbell push press (20 seconds then rest for 10 seconds)
- Wide-hands push up (20 seconds then rest for 10 seconds)
Set two
- Suspend dip (10 reps)
- Wide grip pull up (10 reps)
- High box jump (10 reps)
Warm down
- Thoracic rotation (30 seconds)
- Cat camel (30 seconds)
- Hamstring stretch (30 seconds)
- Lying glute stretch (30 seconds)
- Side hip and quad stretch (30 seconds)
- Straight leg calf stretch (30 seconds)
- Standing IT band stretch (30 seconds)
Last updated Wednesday 16 September 2020
First published on Tuesday 18 August 2015