Pigmented lesions
Brown or black spots on your skin are sometimes called pigmented lesions. Examples include moles, age (liver) spots and sun damaged skin.
It is important to watch these areas to monitor any changes in shape, size or colour.
Using a simple ABCDE checklist you can look for signs of irregularity*:
- A Asymmetry - If you drew a line through the middle of a mole would both halves match?
- B Border - Does the mole have a distinct border (melanomas have uneven borders).
- C Colour - Is the mole one colour?
- D Diameter - Is the mole wider than 6mm across?
- E Evolving - Is the mole changing in size, shape or colour?
You should seek immediate medical attention if you notice any changes to existing lesions or abnormal looking new lesions.*Source: MacMillan Cancer Support