Dr Bruce Fox
GMC number: 3475205
Practising since: 1991
Clinical Radiology
Consultation times
- Weekly Wednesday AM
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Bruce trained within Plymouth and McMaster University, Canada, sub-specialising in gastrointestinal and interventional radiology. He is also fully trained in diagnostic/therapeutic endoscopy including endoscopic ultrasound and colorectal stenting, barium imaging and all forms of diagnostic and interventional cross-sectional imaging.
Treatments and tests offered by Dr Bruce Fox at Nuffield Health
- Interventional radiology
- Gastrointestinal radiology
Locations Dr Bruce Fox works with
Related experience
- Royal College of Radiologists
- British Society of Gastrointestinal and Abdominal Radiology
- European Society of Gastrointestinal and Abdominal Radiology
- Radiological Society of North America
Other posts held
- Consultant Gastrointestinal Radiologist, Derriford Hospital, Plymouth
- Honorary University Fellow, University of Plymouth, Peninsula Medical School
Insurers Dr Bruce Fox works with
Dr Bruce Fox works with the following private medical insurance providers:
- Aviva Health
- AXA Health
- Benenden Health
- Bupa
- Bupa On Demand
- Exeter Family Friendly
Dr Bruce Fox does not hold a share or financial interest in this hospital, another Nuffield Health hospital or the company.
Dr Bruce Fox does not have a share or financial interest in equipment used at this hospital or another Nuffield Health hospital.
Dr Bruce Fox does not hold any paid advisory role(s) at this hospital or on behalf of Nuffield Health.