Dr Henry Alexander
MA (Cantab), MSc (Lon), FRCP
GMC number: 3561788
Practising since: 1991
General (internal) Medicine, Geriatric Medicine
Consultation times
- Bi Weekly Monday evening (Brighton)
- AD-HOC (Haywards Heath)
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Dr Alexander has been a Consultant for 18 years. He works in Eastbourne and is helping the team develop services for frail, older people. He previously ran Elderly Care Services in Brighton for 8 years.
His main interest is in Acute Elderly Care, trying to improve the efficiency in the way we manage older people in the acute setting. He has always been keen to intervene early, make a diagnosis and management plan so that older people do not have unnecessary long stays.
Dr Alexander was instrumental in improving Orthogeriatric services in Brighton, particularly for those patients with hip fractures. He has tried to do similar with those having elective and emergency operations under the General surgeons. More recently he set up a Community Geriatric service across the Havens.
He is interested in frailty and the oldest old. He has an excellent knowledge of Pharmacology in the elderly, as this is often the cause of problems in this group of patients. He is currently setting up a Urological liaison service in Eastbourne.
Other interests
- Osteoporosis
- Orthogeriatrics
- Falls
- Frailty and failure to thrive
- Memory loss
- Polypharmacy
Personal interests
Family, cycling, swimming and visiting Normandy
Treatments and tests offered by Dr Henry Alexander at Nuffield Health
- Care for the elderly
Locations Dr Henry Alexander works with
Related experience
- Fellow Royal College of Physicians
- British Geriatrics Society
- British Medical Society
Other posts held
- Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
Insurers Dr Henry Alexander works with
Dr Henry Alexander works with the following private medical insurance providers:
- AXA Health
- Benenden Health
- Bupa
- Vitality Health (Pru Health)
Dr Henry Alexander does not hold a share or financial interest in this hospital, another Nuffield Health hospital or the company.
Dr Henry Alexander does not have a share or financial interest in equipment used at this hospital or another Nuffield Health hospital.
Dr Henry Alexander does not hold any paid advisory role(s) at this hospital or on behalf of Nuffield Health.
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