Dr Michelle Gallagher
GMC number: 4106405
Practising since: 1994
Gastroenterology, General (internal) Medicine
Consultation times
- Weekly Tuesday PM endoscopy clinic
- Weekly Tuesday evening regular clinics
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Dr Gallagher trained in gastroenterology and hepatology in North London rotating through a number of key specialist centres including the Liver Unit at the Royal Free Hospital, the Middlesex Hospital pancreatobiliary unit, St Mark's Hospital and the Royal London Hospital. She was awarded a CCT in gastroenterology and general internal medicine in November 2005 and is listed in the General Medical Councils Specialist Register as a gastroenterologist and physician in general internal medicine.
Throughout her post graduate career Dr Gallagher worked in District General Hospitals and London Teaching Hospitals including a period of academic research at St Mark's Hospital. In April 2006 Dr Gallagher joined the Royal Surrey County Hospital as Consultant Physician in the Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology where she is currently the Clinical Director for gastroenterology and the Clinical Director for acute medicine.
Other interests
General gastroenterology and functional dyspepsia. Clinical management – Dr Gallagher has previously been Clinical Director for gastroenterology at the Royal Surrey County Hospital and is currently Clinical Director for medicine, including all inpatient and outpatient medical specialties.
Personal interests
Dr Gallagher’s personal interests include travel, the arts, including the theatre and cookery.
Treatments and tests offered by Dr Michelle Gallagher at Nuffield Health
- Colonoscopy
- Diagnostic endoscopy
- Therapeutic Endoscopy
- Endoscopic retrograde cholangio-pancreatogram (or ERCP)
- Upper gastrointestinal endoscopy
Locations Dr Michelle Gallagher works with
Related experience
Dr Gallagher graduated from medical college at St Bartholomew’s Hospital and trained in general medicine and gastroenterology in London, including a number of teaching centre’s at University College Hospital, The Royal London Hospital and The Royal Free Liver Unit. She also undertook a period of research at St Mark’s Hospital in the field of polyposis. Her clinical interests include endoscopy, including advanced therapeutic endoscopy and she is an accredited screening colonoscopist for the NHS Bowel Cancer Screening Service. She has specialist expertise in the management of Inflammatory Bowel Disease, benign and malignant conditions of the liver, including viral hepatitis, and general gastroenterology including the investigation of anaemia.
- European Association of Study of Liver Disease
- Fellow Royal College of Physicians
- Medical Defence Union
- British Society of Gastroenterology
Other posts held
- Royal Surrey County Hospital
Dr Michelle Gallagher does not hold a share or financial interest in this hospital, another Nuffield Health hospital or the company.
Dr Michelle Gallagher does not have a share or financial interest in equipment used at this hospital or another Nuffield Health hospital.
Dr Michelle Gallagher holds the following paid advisory role(s) either at this hospital or on behalf of Nuffield Health:
Dr Michelle Gallagher is paid £4,000 per annum as Endoscopy Lead Consultant at Nuffield Health Guildford Hospital
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