Dr Tufail Patankar



GMC number: 5201047

Practising since: 1990


Clinical Radiology

Consultation times

  • By arrangement
  • Overview
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0113 3227251


Dr Tufail Patankar trained as a Diagnostic and Interventional Neuroradiologist in Manchester. This involved adult diagnostic neuroradiology, paediatric neuroradiology, ENT and head and neck radiology and interventional neuroradiology.

He did a visiting fellowship in ear, nose and throat and head and neck radiology at University of North Carolina and a diagnostic neuroradiology fellowship at Rush Presbyterian University, St Luke's Medical Centre, Chicago.

Dr Patankar completed his PhD from the University of Manchester on advanced imaging in neurovascular diseases, which involved brain tumours, dementia and depression.

As an experienced Consultant Diagnostic and Interventional neuroradiologist, Dr Patankar has performed over 1000 aneurysm coiling cases. He has experience in advanced aneurysm treatment with web and flow divertors such as pipeline stents.

Dr Patankar also treats brain ateriovenous malformations, dural vascular malformations, tumour embolisations, spinal embolisations, ENT vascular interventions, spinal vascular and non-vascular interventions including vertebroplasties and spinal biopsies.

Other interests

  • Endovascular treatment of brain aneurysm
  • Hyperacute stroke
  • Stroke and brain tumour imaging
  • Vertibroplasty

Personal interests

Gym and kickboxing

Treatments and tests offered by Dr Tufail Patankar at Nuffield Health

  • Vertebroplasty
  • Endovascular treatment
  • Interventional radiology
  • Endovascular Aneurysm Repair (EVAR)

Locations Dr Tufail Patankar works with


    2 Leighton Street, Leeds, LS1 3EB

    0113 3227251
    Overall rating

Related experience


Dr Patankar completed his PhD at University of Manchester on advanced imaging in neurovascular diseases, which involved brain tumours, dementia and depression.

He has a special interest in stroke and brain tumour imaging.

He has published more than 100 papers in peer reviewed journals and has been involved in a number of research studies in brain tumour imaging and stroke.


  • Fellow Royal College of Radiologists
  • British Society of Neuroradiology

Other posts held

  • Consultant Interventional Neuroradiologist, Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS trust