Miss Lisa Greaney



GMC number: 7014395


Oral and Maxillo-facial surgery

  • Overview
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Lisa Greaney is a Consultant Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon specialising in skin surgery, reconstructive facial skin surgery and facial deformity at the Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust and Chelsea Children’s Hospital. She treats babies, children and adults and is a core member of the Craniofacial Team. Her regular work includes surgical treatment of skin lesions including cancer (surgical dermatology), oral surgery (including complex tooth extraction/impacted teeth/buried roots), facial deformity (orthognathic surgery/double or single jaw surgery/chin surgery) and facial trauma. She is also a core member of the North West London Specialist Skin Multidisciplinary Team and Chelsea Craniofacial Multidisciplinary Team. Lisa has private practices in Chelsea, Marylebone and Wimbledon and divides her time between these, her NHS commitments and her young family.

Miss Greaney holds dual qualification in both medicine and dentistry having won the British Dental Association Medal for ‘Clinical and Practical Excellence’ and awarded Honours during her dental degree. She is registered with the General Medical Council and General Dental Council and is on the specialist list for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. Her training has afforded her membership of the British Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons and the European Association of Craniomaxillofacial Surgeons. Lisa has a passion for teaching and is involved with this at all levels – from prospective medical students through to consultant level teaching both within her own field and that of advanced trauma. She is one of three specialists who routinely provide specialist oral and maxillofacial services to international professionals at Twickenham Rugby Stadium.

Special interests

Children (including babies and infants) and adult services: head/face/neck skin lumps/bumps; tongue ties; skin moles; skin lesions; skin cancer treatment; rodent ulcers; basal cell carcinoma; reconstruction following Mohs skin cancer surgery; non-surgical rejuvenation; wrinkle reduction; orthognathic/double/single jaw surgery including obstructive sleep apnoea surgery; orthodontic or routine teeth/dental extractions; wisdom teeth extraction; facial deformity/developmental concerns; coronectomy; chin surgery; removal of retained dental roots; impacted canines; tooth exposure and bonding; impacted teeth.

Treatments and tests offered by Miss Lisa Greaney at Nuffield Health

  • Mole removal
  • Removing wisdom teeth
  • Rhinoplasty (or nose reshaping)
  • Scar revision
  • Skin cancer surgery
  • Tooth Removal (Extraction)
  • Facial surgery
  • Chin reshaping (Genioplasty)
  • Excision of skin lesion
  • Maxillofacial / oral surgery
  • Bone Graft

Locations Miss Lisa Greaney works with

  • 53 Parkside, Wimbledon, London, SW19 5NX

    020 8971 8000
    Overall rating

Related experience


  • General Medical Council
  • General Dental Council
  • British Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon
  • European Association of CranioMaxillofacial Surgeons

Other posts held

  • Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust and Chelsea Children’s Hospital