Mr Adam Sawyer
MBBS, BSc Physiology, MSc Surgery, LLM Medical Law, FRCS(Plast), FEBOPRAS
GMC number: 4646381
Practising since: 1999
Plastic Surgery
Consultation times
- Tuesday monthly
- Thursday monthly
- Overview
Mr Sawyer was appointed as Consultant Plastic & Reconstructive surgeon in Salisbury NHS Foundation Trust in 2017 and an honorary consultant at Southampton General Hospital. His undergraduate training was undertaken at Guy’s & St Thomas’s Hospital in London.
He completed an MSc in surgical science at Imperial College London and a medical law degree from De Montfort Law school in 2007. He was awarded the FRCS (Plast) in 2014 and became a Fellow of the European board of plastic, reconstructive and aesthetic plastic surgeons in 2015.
In the NHS he is a cleft lip and palate surgeon, having fellowships at the Evelina Children’s Hospital, St Thomas Hospital & Great Ormond Street hospital. He also spent time on fellowship overseas fellowships in Olso, Texas & Toronto. Within the NHS he also performs laser skin surgery having completed the ‘Therapeutic use of Laser’ training interface fellowship in Swansea, Wales.
He is experienced in all type of skin lesion surgery having completed training through the Oxford Deanery programme.
He has wide experience of cosmetic surgery having completed 2 fellowships, the first at the The London Clinic. This was followed by the prestigious British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (BAAPS) fellowship in Southern England.
Special interests
- Aesthetic surgery of the face, including face & neck lift, ear corrections, eyelid correction
- Cosmetic breast surgery including breast enlargement, reduction & uplift, correction of nipple inversion
- Cosmetic body surgery including tummy tucks, liposuction and arm lift
- Benign and malignant skin surgery
- Non-surgical use of injection treatment and fillers for facial rejuvenation
- Injection treatment of excessive sweating
Other interests
- Paediatric and adult Cleft lip and palate surgery
- Paediatric mole removal
- Speech surgery
Personal interests
Treatments and tests offered by Mr Adam Sawyer at Nuffield Health
- Body contouring
- Reconstructive surgery
- Breast uplift (mastopexy)
- Eye lift
- Ear pinning cosmetic surgery (Pinnaplasty)
- Arm reduction (Brachioplasty)
- Dermatological surgery
- Breast augmentation (enlargement)
- Mole assessment
- Excision of skin lesion
- Dermal fillers
- Skin surgery
- Inverted nipple surgery
- Skin pigmentation
- Breast reduction
- Labial reduction (labiaplasty)
- Otoplasty (ear correction / ear repositioning)
- Liposuction
- Tummy tuck (Abdominoplasty)
- Brow lift
Locations Mr Adam Sawyer works with
Related experience
Over 40 publications in peer-reviewed journals:
- Friebel T, Sawyer AR, Thorburn G, Morris P. Cleft palate repair with the operating microscope. Plastic Reconstructive Education Network, (2017), 45-48
- Philps G, Swan MC Swan, Sawyer AR, Goodacre T, Cadier M. A comparative study of the aesthetic outcome of two techniques for unilateral complete cleft lip repair. Plastic Recon. Surgery (2017) Oct;140(4):757-764
- Sawyer AR, Robertson S, Cadier M. Prospective patient related outcome evaluation of secondary cleft rhinoplasty using a validated questionnaire. Cleft Palate Craniofacial Journal (2017) 54 (4): 436-441
- McGoldrick R, Sawyer AR, Murison M. Lasers and ancillary treatments for scar management: a personal experience over two decades and contextual literature review. Scars, Burns and Healing (2016) 2:1-7
- Harb A, Sawyer AR. Training in bilateral breast reduction and breast augmentation: the results of a supra-regional audit. JPRAS (2010) 63(12): 823-5
- Sawyer AR et al. Quantitative Analysis of Normal Smile with 3D Stereophotogrammetry - an aid to facial reanimation. JPRAS (2010) Jan; 63(1): 65-72
- Sawyer AR et al. Assessment of the Reproducibility of Facial Expressions Using 3D Stereophotogrammetry. Otolaryngol Head & Neck Surg (2009) 140:76-81
- Sawyer AR et al. Should Extra-ocular Sebaceous Carcinoma be investigated with Sentinel Node Biospy? Dermatologic Surgery (2009) 35:704-708
- Sawyer AR et al. 3D Stereophotogrammetry Quantitative Lip Analysis. Aesth Plast Surgery 2009 33(4): 497-504
- Sawyer AR et al. Does Staging Computered Tomography Change Management in Thick Malignant Melanoma? JPRAS (2009) 62(4): 453-6
- General Medical Council (GMC)
- Royal College of Surgeons of England (RCS)
- British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (BAAPS)
- American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS)
- Craniofacial Society of Great Britain and Ireland (CFSGBI)
- British Association of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons (BAPRAS)