Mr Adam Way
MBChB University of Sheffield 1998, MRCS(Eng) Royal College of Surgeons of England 2003, MSc University College London 2003, FRCS (Orth)
GMC number: 4510714
Orthopaedic surgery, Paediatrics
Mr Way was brought up in Surrey and educated at Bradfield College, Reading. He graduated in 1998 from Sheffield University Medical School. He did his basic surgical training at RNOH, Stanmore, Northwick Park Hospital, Harrow and NHNN, Queen Square. He studied for his MSc in Surgical Sciences at University College London & then went on to Higher Surgical Training at Barts and the Royal London Hospital. He concentrated his registrar training to becoming a spinal surgeon, spending 2 years on the spinal unit at Stanmore and then did a further 1 year advanced spinal surgery fellowship.
Mr Way has nationally & internationally published & lectured on spinal & trauma surgery, & examines and interviews for the London & KSS Deaneries. He is a member of the BMA, British Association of Spinal Surgeons & a Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of England.
Mr Way’s practice concentrates on neck & lower back pain, and his surgical practice concentrates on the use of minimally invasive techniques. He performs the full range of spinal operations, ranging from injections, vertebroplasty/kyphoplasty, cervical disc replacement, or fusion, and lumbar microdiscectomies, decompressions & fusions.
Special interests
Full range of spinal operations, ranging from injections, vertebroplasty/kyphoplasty, cervical disc replacement or fusion, and lumbar microdiscectomies, decompressions. and fusions.
invasive surgery.
Personal interests
Mr Way is married to an HIV/GU doctor and has a young family. He enjoys running, Formula 1 and watching rugby.
Treatments and tests offered by Mr Adam Way at Nuffield Health
- Lumbar discectomy
- X-Ray Guided Facet Joint Injection
- Anterior cervical discectomy and fusion
- Spinal (lumbar) Decompression
- Sacroiliac joint injections
- Facet joint injections
- Epidural anaesthetic
- Dorsal root ganglion block
Locations Mr Adam Way works with
Related experience
Mr Way completed an MSc in Surgical Science at UCL in 2003. His thesis was based at RNOH. Mr Way has since published scientific research:-
“Judging anterior
cervical plate length” Capella S, Kieffer W, Way A - Ann R Coll Surg
Engl 2018
15:1 (Epub ahead of print)
“How not to miss major spinal pathology in patients with back pain” Rossiter DJ, Haider Z, David B, Kieffer WK, Way A - Br J Hosp Med(Lond) 2017 May 2; 78(5):C66-C69
“Corpectomy with adjacent-level kyphoplasty to treat metastatic lung cancer in three contiguous cervical vertebrae causing focal neurological compromise” Bateman A, Way A - Global Spine Journal 2015; 5:140-143
“A case of compartment syndrome in a recruit with sickle cell trait” Way A, Ganesan S, McErlain M. - J R Army Med Corps. 2011 Jun;157(2): 182-3
“Vertebral Compression Fractures – New Clinical Signs to aid Diagnosis” Langdon J, Way A, Bernard J, Molloy S – Ann R Coll Surg Engl. 2010 Mar;92(2):163-6.
“The management of spinal metastases from renal cell carcinoma” Langdon J, Way A, Heaton S, Bernard J, Molloy S - Ann R Coll Surg Engl. 2009 Nov;91(8):649-52
Insurers Mr Adam Way works with
Mr Adam Way works with the following private medical insurance providers:
- Aetna
- Aviva Health
- AXA Health
- Bupa
- Benenden Health
- Cigna
- Healix
- Vitality Health (Pru Health)
- Police Mutual
Mr Adam Way does not hold a share or financial interest in this hospital, another Nuffield Health hospital or the company.
Mr Adam Way does not have a share or financial interest in equipment used at this hospital or another Nuffield Health hospital.
Mr Adam Way does not hold any paid advisory role(s) at this hospital or on behalf of Nuffield Health.
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