Mr Asad Syed


FRCS (Tr & Orth), FRCS, MB BS

GMC number: 5202732

Practising since: 1987


Orthopaedic surgery

Consultation times

  • Weekly Monday 17:30 - 21:00
  • A GP referral letter required
  • Thursdays
  • Overview
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01244 680 444


Mr Syed completed his training from Yorkshire working at the famous Leeds Teaching Hospitals “Jimmy’s”. While training he became interested in foot and ankle surgery completing a one year fellowship at Arrow Park Hospital in Wirral. Prior to this he worked in many busy foot and ankle units in UK. Having worked in most of the premier institutes in Dublin he has a keen insight of working with people from rural background.

He is keen to raise awareness among general public that times have changed and foot and ankle surgery is not about mutilating painful procedures but part of a surgical revolution which ensures a pleasant and relatively pain free surgical experience which can transforms ones life at any age. 

A bulk of his work focuses on bunion and corrective toe surgery. He emphasises the point that this is a big problem in the local population affecting work, walking and footwear. Modern techniques of bony and soft tissue correction have ensured that bunion and toe surgery is a safe, predictable highly successful operation that has changed the lives of many patients. Some of these can now even be done under local anaesthesia.  

With the advancements in orthopaedic surgery a number of procedures can now be performed using keyhole surgery. This may vary from cleaning of arthritis from a joint to fusing the ankle. He also performs sports injury related operations around the foot and ankle involving ligament and tendon reconstructions.

Mr Syed FRCS, FRCS(Orth) qualified in 1987. He is an experienced Orthopaedic surgeon who runs a comprehensive Foot and Ankle service for the NHS at Wrexham Maelor Hospital. This is a tertiary referral centre for North Wales receiving and treating complicated cases from Bangor & Glan Clwyd Hospitals. His passion in life is to help people with his surgical expertise.

Other interests

Mr Syed is part of a team of surgical experts who have been the first to be sent from UK to disaster zones around the world. He was the only Orthopaedic surgeon sent by the British Government to China in 2007 to help out in the Chinese earthquake. He has operated on patients in the various earthquakes Kashmir 2005, Indonesia 2009. With ‘MERLIN’ he has been to help and operate on the injured in Haiti which he describes as the most devastating disaster to date.

He is part of an international charity fitting artificial limbs to amputees in third world countries. His trips to the disaster zones have been followed up by many local and national papers.

He is the current orthopaedic lead in Day case modernisation committee and the lead for the EPOC and computerisation of the notes in orthopaedic department.

Personal interests

Mr Syed is a keen sportsman having played hockey at professional level.

Treatments and tests offered by Mr Asad Syed at Nuffield Health

  • Hemiarthroplasty
  • Midfoot fusion
  • Fusion of big toe
  • Hindfoot fusion
  • Toe surgery
  • Midfoot osteotomy
  • Trigger Point Injections
  • Toe joint fusion
  • Hallux Valgus Surgery
  • Bunion surgery (bunionectomy)
  • Tendon transfer in foot and ankle
  • Orthotics
  • Ankle ligament repair
  • Forefoot reconstructive surgery
  • Cartilage resurfacing
  • Arthroscopy
  • Achilles repair or reconstruction
  • Keller's arthroplasty
  • Subtalar arthroscopy
  • Foot and ankle surgery
  • Ankle arthroscopy
  • Cartilage reconstruction
  • Ankle fusion
  • Trauma Surgery
  • Calcaneal osteotomy

Locations Mr Asad Syed works with

Related experience


He has published many papers in esteemed journals on varied subjects in Trauma, Upper limb and Foot and Ankle surgery

Mr Syed is also Consultant Editor of European Orthopaedic Product News - a monthly journal keeping the orthopaedic fraternity up to date about current innovations.


  • British Foot Ankle Society
  • British Medical Association
  • Medical Defence Union

Other posts held

  • Consultant Orthopaedic & Trauma Surgeon Wrexham Maelor Hospital
  • Consultant Orthopaedic & Trauma Surgeon Nuffield Health Chester Hospital