Mr Eyiyemi (Yemi) Pearse
BM, BCh, MA (Oxon), FRCS (Orth)
GMC number: 4216182
Orthopaedic surgery
- Overview
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Dr Pearse sees adults and children aged 12 years+.
Special interests
- Shoulder and elbow surgery
- Sports injuries
- Fractures
- Dislocations
- Instability
- Tendon injuries
- Stiffness (including frozen shoulder)
- Arthritis
Treatments and tests offered by Mr Eyiyemi (Yemi) Pearse at Nuffield Health
- Shoulder surgery (rotator cuff repair)
- Shoulder decompression - keyhole surgery
- Elbow surgery
- Shoulder Manipulation
- Shoulder Stabilisation
- Tennis elbow release
Locations Mr Eyiyemi (Yemi) Pearse works with
Related experience
Other posts held
- St George's University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust