Mr Jaime Candal-Couto


MB ChB (Hons), BMSc (Hons), MRCS, FRCS (Tr &, Ortho)

GMC number: 4216979

Practising since: 1995


Orthopaedic surgery

Consultation times

  • Wednesday 18:00 - 20:00


Mr Candal-Couto is a highly experienced Upper Limb specialist. He was appointed as a consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon in Wansbeck Hospital, Northumbria, in December 2004. Since then, he has focused on the provision of specialist upper limb surgery, developing a large experience in shoulder arthroscopic (key-hole) surgery, shoulder replacements, elbow replacements, replacements and upper limb trauma.

Mr Candal-Couto has a special interest in developing day-case treatment for most shoulder conditions including instability, rotator cuff disease, frozen shoulder and arthroplasty. The management of Proximal Humeral fractures is another of his main interests.

Mr Candal-Couto regularly understands the importance of passing his experience on to others and is regularly involved in regional, national and international courses.

Treatments and tests offered by Mr Jaime Candal-Couto at Nuffield Health

  • Shoulder surgery (rotator cuff repair)
  • Upper Limb Fractures and Injuries
  • Arthroscopy
  • Shoulder replacement
  • Shoulder Manipulation
  • Trauma reconstruction
  • Shoulder Stabilisation
  • Trauma Surgery
  • Tennis elbow release
  • Arthroplasty

Locations Mr Jaime Candal-Couto works with

Related experience


  • Principal Investigator for PROFHER, DRAFFT and SOS clinical Trials in Northumbria
  • Regular Reviewer of Shoulder and Elbow Journal

Current projects:

  1. Chief Investigator PROP Study (Northumbria): The Significance of Propionibacterium Acnes in Rotator Cuff Disease.
  2. Classification and Treatment of ACJ Dislocations

Plus over 28 papers and abstracts published.


  • Royal College of Surgeons of England
  • British Orthopaedic Association
  • British Elbow &amp
  • Shoulder Society
  • Medical Protection Society

Other posts held

  • Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon, Wansbeck General Hospital
  • Lead of Upper Limb Service, Northumbria Healthcare NHS Trust
  • Honorary Lecturer, Teeside University
  • Member of the British Elbow and Shoulder Education Committee


Mr Jaime Candal-Couto does not hold a share or financial interest in this hospital, another Nuffield Health hospital or the company.

Mr Jaime Candal-Couto does not have a share or financial interest in equipment used at this hospital or another Nuffield Health hospital.

Mr Jaime Candal-Couto does not hold any paid advisory role(s) at this hospital or on behalf of Nuffield Health.