Ms Yvette Godwin
BA Hons.(Cantab) MB, BChir, FRCS(Eng) FRCS(plast)
GMC number: 3269737
Practising since: 1989
Plastic Surgery, Breast Surgery
Consultation times
- Ad hoc, monthly
- Overview
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Ms Y Godwin is a Consultant Plastic Surgeon at Sheffield Children’s Hospital. She divides her work equally between the NHS and the Humanitarian sector covering both adult and paediatric reconstructive plastic Surgery.
She graduated from the University of Cambridge in 1989 and was awarded FRCS (Eng) in 1991. She trained in the Trent region and Glasgow completing the Intercollegiate FRCS (Plast) in 2001. Travelling Fellowships include Oncologic reconstruction at Toronto General Hospital Canada, Breast reconstruction and microsurgery at Uppsala University Hospital, Sweden, The Derby hand fellowship, Derby UK, and Ear reconstruction with Mme Firmin in Paris, France. She was a Consultant Plastic Surgeon in Edinburgh from 2005-2012.
Ms Godwin’s private practice interests include general adult and paediatric plastic reconstructive surgery. Her specialist interests include hand surgery and breast surgery.
Her academic background includes designing and leading International and local research projects. These projects reflect a broad range of specialist interests. Her publications reflect the importance of measuring surgical outcomes to support evidence-based medicine.
Teaching commitments include being a member of the Plastics faculty for the HEST course and annual lectures at Cambridge University Medical School. Ongoing teaching in zones of conflict includes promotion of the MDT, Ortho-plastic approach for blast and ballistic injury, antibiotic stewardship as well as training in Plastic surgery relevant to the context.
Special interests
Breast surgery
- Breast reduction
- Breast reconstruction (not implant based)
- Congenital breast asymmetry
- Breast uplift (mastopexy)
- Fat transfer for breast reconstruction (breast lipomodelling)
- Male breast reduction (gynaecomastia)
- Inverted nipples correction.
Hand surgery (more info here)
Note: wrist and base of thumb arthritis aren’t covered
- Dupuytren’s contracture correction
- Carpal tunnel release
- Cubital tunnel release
- Hand lesions
- Mucous cysts
- Ganglions
- Trigger fingers/trigger thumbs
- De Quervain’s tenosynovitis.
- Skin lesions
- Scar revisions
- Otoplasty
- Split earlobe repair.
Languages spoken
English, French
Treatments and tests offered by Ms Yvette Godwin at Nuffield Health
- Breast uplift (mastopexy)
- Excision of a ganglion
- Trigger finger release
- Scar revision
- Breast reconstruction
- Dupuytren's fasciectomy
- Excision of skin lesion
- Breast lipomodelling
- Inverted nipple surgery
- Carpal tunnel release
- Gynaecomastia surgery (male breast reduction)
- Hand surgery
- Breast reduction
- Otoplasty (ear correction / ear repositioning)
- Cubital tunnel release
Locations Ms Yvette Godwin works with
Related experience
Amoxapine Overdose: Recovery after severe metabolic acidosis (pH 6.9) and status epilepticus.
Miller M T, Sleigh J, Rawlinson F, De Jongh R, Godwin Y
Anaesthetic Intensive Care 18: 246–251 (1990)
Distribution of extensor tendons on the dorsum of the hand
Godwin Y, Ellis H
Clinical Anatomy 5: 349–403 (1992)
An anatomical study of the symmetry of the Lateral Extensor compartment of the wrist
Godwin Y, Ellis H
Clinical Anatomy 6: 222–225 (1993)
Assessment of the accuracy of local steroid injection into the first dorsal compartment of the wrist
Godwin Y
Clinical Anatomy 6: 308–310 (1993)
Compartment Syndrome: An unusual complication following cystoprostatourethrectomy
Godwin Y, Shair A B, Turner A G, Srinivasan V
Hospital Update Feb 1994
The Burnt Male: Intentional assault on the male by his partner
Godwin Y, Hudson D
South African Journal of Medicine 1996; 36: 140–142
Shack Fires: A consequence of urban mobilisation
Godwin Y, Hudson D
Burns Journal 1997; 23: 151–153
‘Time is the Healer’: McIndoes Guinea Pigs 50 years on
Godwin Y
Br J Plast Surg 1997; 50: 88–98
Major Burns in Cape Town: a modified burns score for patient triage
Godwin Y, Wood.S
Burns Journal 1998; 24: 58–63
An inexpensive external fixateur for the stabilisation of phalangeal fractures
Godwin Y, Arnstein PM
Journal of Hand Surgery 1998; 23B 1: 84–85
A comparison of patient and surgeon opinion on the long-term aesthetic outcome of reduction mammaplasty
Godwin Y, Wood S, O’Neill TJ
Br J Plast Surg 1998; 51: 444–449
A comparison of patient and surgeon opinion on the long-term aesthetic outcome of reduction mammaplasty
Godwin Y, Wood S, O’Neill TJ
Accepted by the Year Book of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Mosby Inc, for publication in the 2000 Year Book
Egg on Your Face: A Case History of Micro-wave Egg Cuisine.
Godwin Y
Burns 1998; 24: 585–586
Ear Reconstruction by composite graft following human bite injury: Case history
Godwin Y, Allison K, Waters R
British Journal of Plastic Surgery 1999; 52: 152–154
Pre-Christmas Traumas: The Guillotine letter boxes of Nottingham
Godwin Y, Wilson D
British Journal of Plastic Surgery 1999; 52: 600
Do they listen? A review of information retained by patients following consent for reduction mammoplasty
Godwin Y
British Journal of Plastic Surgery 2000: 53 121–125
The Farmer’s wife and the Salmon fork: A near miss for the median nerve
Godwin Y
British Journal of Plastic Surgery 2000: 53: 353–354
A couple of good ideas from Canniesburn
Godwin Y, Soutar DS
British Journal of Plastic Surgery 2000 53: 711–712
Hyperpigmentation following the use of EMLA cream
Godwin Y, Brotherston M
British Journal of Plastic Surgery 2001: 54: 82–3
Extra-abdominal desmoid tumour of the breast: review of the primary management and the implications for breast reconstruction
Godwin Y, Sully L. TA McCulloch
British Journal of Plastic Surgery 2001: 54: 268–271
The Atlas for Consent
Godwin Y
Available on CD via the MPS. Published Autumn 2003
The Atlas for consent: Chapter on Breast surgery.
Godwin Y
Considered by the British Association of Breast Surgeons on planning the National Guidelines Booklet. 2003
Used in Canniesburn Glasgow, Sheffield and Uppsala Sweden.
Patient Morbidity seen from Injection sites
Godwin Y, Weiler-Mithoff E
The European Journal of Plastic Surgery 2004: 26: 406–413
Investigation into the cause of reduced sensation in the nipple areola complex of patients with macromastia
Godwin Y, Valassiadou K, Lewis S, Denley H
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery May 2004: 113(6) : 1598–1606
The use of local anaesthetic motor block to demonstrate the potential outcome of depressor labii inferioris resection in patients with marginal mandibular nerve palsy
Godwin Y, Tomat L, Manktelow R
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery: Sept 2005: 116(4) 957–961
The Spring back phenomenon: Does the final position of the Nipple areola complex correspond to the pre-operative markings in reduction mammoplasty?
Godwin Y, Schneider P
Journal of Plastic Surgery 2007: 29(8): 361–67
The management of Congenital trigger finger
Schaverein M, Godwin Y
Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery May 2011: 64: 623–631
A Severe complication following intra-osseous infusion used during resuscitation of a child
Khan K, RE Anakwe, A Murray, Godwin Y
Injury Extra Oct 2011: 42(10): 173–177
Peri-areolar marking in Lejour’s mammoplasty: A simple device to aid trainee learning - the flexible curve
Barron EJ, Godwin Y
The European Journal of Plastic Surgery 2011: 34(5) 417–419 DOI. 10.1007/s00238-011-0607-9
Gynaecomastia: Considerations and challenges in treating male patients with varying body habitus
Godwin Y
European Journal of Plastic Surgery 2012: 35(1): 55–64
Traditional and modern medicine: Morbidity of paediatric forearm fractures in Sierra Leone
Godwin Y, Bell DR, SV Rannan-Eliya
J Hand Surg Eur 2012 Sept 26 Online
DOI: 10: 1177/175319342460172
Published J Hand Surg 2014 Vol 39 (7): 783–784
Assessment of the presence of independent flexor digitorum superficialis function in the small fingers of professional string players: Is this an example of natural selection?
Y Godwin, G Wheble, C Feig
J Hand Surg Eur 2013 Jan 29th Online
DOI: 101177/1753193412474151
Published Volume 39 Issue 1 January 2014 pp. 93–101
Inflammatory changes of the nipple areolar complex of a patient with PIP breast implants: a possible immune response to free silicone from gel bleed?
T. Tickunas, S Howarth, Y Godwin
Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery 2014. 67: 423–25
A comparison of the patient and surgeon opinion on the long-term aesthetic outcome of reduction mammaplasty: Have we improved over 15 years?
Y Godwin, EJ Barron, MC Edmunds, M Meyer FRCS, A Bardsley, AM Logan, TJ O’Neill, SH Wood
Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery 2014. 67; 932-38
*Awarded 2014 BAPRAS Aesthetic Prize for best aesthetic publication in JPRAS in 2014
Soft, brown rupture: Associations between clinical signs and symptoms with intra-operative findings on explantation of ruptured PIP breast implants
Y Godwin, RT Duncan, C Feig, M Reintals, S Hill
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery - Global Open:
November 2014 - Volume 2 - Issue 11 - p e249
DOI: 10.1097/GOX.0000000000000212
Questions and answers from an accidental war surgeon
Y Godwin
Annals of Plastic Surgery:
September 2015 - Volume 75 - Issue 3 - p 251–257
DOI: 10.1097/SAP.0000000000000587
A User’s Guide to Local Perforator Flap Reconstruction in a post-conflict Setting
Y Godwin, B Righi, E Robotti
Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery
March 2016-Volume 69 Issue 3 pages e57–e60
The Gaza Hand Board
L Harb, MWadi, Y Godwin
Ann Plast Surg: 2017 78 (5): 505–506
The application of Integra in a challenging context
F Nicoli, I Rampinelli Y Godwin
Scars, Burns & Healing, 2016
DOI: 10.1177/2059513116672789
Article first published online: October 24, 2016; final publication: Nov 2nd 2017
Flaps; Practical Reconstructive Surgery
Chapter 66 : Local perforator flap reconstruction in the surgical mission setting
Y Godwin, B Righi, E Robotti
Thieme publications. Accepted in Sept 2016. In print February 2017
ISBN 978-1-60406-715-6
The Impact of Cervical Musculoskeletal Disorders on UK Consultant Plastic Surgeons: Can we reduce morbidity with applied Ergonomics?
Y Godwin, CR Macdonald, S Kaur, L Zhelin, C Baber
Ann Plast Surg June 2017;78: 602–610
Predicting upper limb discomfort for plastic surgeons wearing loupes based on multi-objective
Z Li, C Baber, FX Li, C Macdonald, Y Godwin
Cogent Engineering (2017), 4: 1398702
BRCA publications for Joseph M Still research Foundation: Presentation on Humanitarian work in Gaza
Y Godwin December 2017
Isolated dorso-radial capsular tear of the thumb metacarpophalangeal joint: Missed diagnosis and the management of delayed presentation
Y Godwin, B ter Horst, G Scerri
Ann Plast Surg 2018. 80 (2): 121–124
Correction of Tuberous Nipple areolar complex deformity in Gynaecomastia: the deformity that can get forgotten
Y Godwin
Ann Plast Surg 2018, 81: 3–6
Response to A Innocenti’ s letter referring to article:
Correction of Tuberous Nipple areolar complex deformity in Gynaecomastia: the deformity that can get forgotten
Y Godwin
Ann Plast Surg; 83(3):368, September 2019
An epidemic of lower limb gunshot injuries
Y Godwin
The PMFA Journal: Published 18th June 2020
“We need to talk about amputation”: a difficult conversation in the developing world
Y Godwin
The PMFA Journal: published 21 July 2020
The impact of context on the planning and delivery of over-seas surgical collaborations
Y Godwin
JPRAS 24th November 2020
Stumpplasty: An operation born of necessity in Gaza
Y Godwin, A Almaqadma, H Abukhoussa, M Obaid
Strategies Trauma Limb Reconstr. May–Aug 2021;16(2):102–109.
DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10080-1526
A review of the first wave of lower limb amputees from the Great March of Return in Gaza: Taking stock and preparing for the task ahead
Y Godwin, A Almaqadma, HY Shaat
Injury, 2022-07-01, Volume 53, Issue 7, Pages 2541–49
Some reflections on war for countries at peace: would we know what to do?
Y Godwin, A Shamsaldin
JPRAS: accepted for publication May 2023
J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg. 2023 May 10:S1748-6815(23)00248-6. doi: 10.1016/j.bjps.2023.05.003
Editorial Volume 85 sept 2023 PA1–A4
Dorsal Metatarsal artery Perforator Flaps (DMTAPF) applied for paediatric foot reconstruction: A review of the Etiology of primary injury, surgical technique applied, and long-term outcome for the child
Y Godwin , M Wadi, L Harb, LR Skov
Accepted by JPRAS May 2024
- Royal College of Surgeons England
- General Medical Council
Other posts held
- Sheffield Children’s Hospital
Insurers Ms Yvette Godwin works with
Ms Yvette Godwin works with the following private medical insurance providers:
- Allianz
- Aviva Health
- AXA - Global Healthcare
- AXA Health
- Bupa
- Bupa Global
- Bupa On Demand
- Healix
- Healix Healthcare
- Westfield Health WPA
Ms Yvette Godwin does not hold a share or financial interest in this hospital, another Nuffield Health hospital or the company.
Ms Yvette Godwin does not have a share or financial interest in equipment used at this hospital or another Nuffield Health hospital.
Ms Yvette Godwin does not hold any paid advisory role(s) at this hospital or on behalf of Nuffield Health.