Professor Peter Rea
GMC number: 3555950
Practising since: 1991
ENT (Otolaryngology)
Consultation times
- Weekly Thursday clinics
- Overview
Professor Rea is a Consultant ENT Surgeon at Leicester Royal Infirmary with a busy private practice at Nuffield Health Leicester Hospital.
Professor Rea’s early training was at the Universities of Cambridge and Oxford, and then the major teaching hospitals of London. He held prestigious Fellowships in the USA and Australia.
He is now one of the UK’s leading ENT surgeons. He is President of The British Society of Otology, a past-President of The British Society of Neuro-otology, and President-elect of the section of Otology of The Royal Society of Medicine.
Professor Rea undertakes ENT surgery for disorders of the ears, nose and throat. He has a special interest in balance disorders and vertigo and hearing reconstruction in both adults and children. Patients travel from all over the UK and abroad to be treated under his care.
Professor Rea is Lead Clinician at one of the UK's biggest centres for the investigation and treatment of dizziness in Leicester.
Professor Rea's practice covers all aspects of ear, nose and throat disorders including sinus and nasal disease and disorders of the ears, nose and throat in adults and children. He is just as happy removing your ear wax or clearing your blocked nose, as he is undertaking complex surgical reconstructions.
Professor Rea treats adults and children from birth.
Special interests
- Tympanoplasty / ear drum repair
- Mastoidectomy
- Ossiculoplasty
- Stapedectomy
- Grommet insertion
- Posterior canal plugging
- Endolymphatic sac surgery
- Perilymph fistula repair
- Intra-tympanic steroids
- Intra-tympanic gentamicin
- Meatoplasty
- Removal of osteomas and exostoses
- Micro suction of ears
- Septoplasty
- Reduction of turbinates
- Nasal cautery
- Endoscopic sinus surgery (FESS)
- Middle meatal antrostomy
- Nasal polypectomy
- Ethmoidectomy
- Manipulation of nasal fracture
- Septal button insertion
- Nasal biopsy
- Adenoidectomy
- Tonsillectomy
- Palatoplasty
- Reduction of uvula
- Pharyngoscopy
- Micro-laryngoscopy and biopsy
- Upper oesophagoscopy
- Division of tongue tie in clinic and theatre
Treatments and tests offered by Professor Peter Rea at Nuffield Health
- Adenoidectomy
- Functional endoscopic sinus surgery (FESS)
- Ear drum repair (Myringoplasty)
- Adult audiology hearing aid provision
- Antral washout
- Grommet insertion
- Tonsillectomy
- Middle ear surgery
Locations Professor Peter Rea works with
Related experience
- Royal Society of Medicine
- British Association of Paediatric Otolaryngology
- Royal College of Surgeons
- Medical Protection Society
Other posts held
- Consultant ENT Surgeon at Leicester Royal Infirmary
Insurers Professor Peter Rea works with
Professor Peter Rea works with the following private medical insurance providers:
- Aviva Health
- AXA Health
- AXA - Global Healthcare
- Benenden Health
- Bupa
- Bupa On Demand
- Childsure
- Cigna
- CS Healthcare
- Exeter Family Friendly
- Health-on-Line
- SecureHealth
- Simplyhealth
- Universal Provident
- Vitality Health (Pru Health)
- Westfield Health WPA
Professor Peter Rea does not hold a share or financial interest in this hospital, another Nuffield Health hospital or the company.
Professor Peter Rea does not have a share or financial interest in equipment used at this hospital or another Nuffield Health hospital.
Professor Peter Rea does not hold any paid advisory role(s) at this hospital or on behalf of Nuffield Health.