Call us

0208 498 1600

Enjoy your gym time while we keep your children safe and entertained

We take children aged from 6 weeks - 18 years. We also offer a wide range of children’s activities from craft activities to sports games in our studio.

Children aged 6 weeks - 11 years can also access our crèche - booking is 7 days in advance.

Children need to be members to use our crèche and take part in junior activities. Our junior membership prices are:

Under 3 years membership

  • £9 per month

Additional payments for the use of the crèche:

  • Block of 12 hours - £49.50 (expiry date of 3 months from date of purchase)

3+ years membership

  • 3-15 years: £20 per month - this includes 2 hours of crèche use every day
  • 16-17 years: £46 per month 
  • Children aged 8+ can also attend staff-led fitness sessions as part of their membership
  • Download our junior activity timetable

Crèche opening times are:

  • Monday - Friday: 09:00 - 18:00
  • Saturday - Sunday: 09:00 - 13:00

Ofsted registered

  • We are voluntary Ofsted registered and stick to Ofsted ratios, so places are limited
  • We take bookings up to 72 hours in advance
  • All staff have up to date DBS checks
  • There will always be a paediatric first aider in the crèche when it's open.

Children's birthday parties

We offer a range of fun birthday parties for your child's special day. We'll take care of everything from the entertainment to the party bags!

Party themes include:

  • Swim
  • Multi-sports
  • Pamper
  • Traditional

We run parties on Saturdays: 14:00 - 16:00


  • Members - £12 per child
  • Non-members - £14 per child

Prices include:

  • Invitations
  • Party bags
  • Day guest passes for each child and their parent/guardian to enjoy the gym facilities
  • Minimum of 2 staff members to host the party, depending on party size.