The purpose of this lifestyle assessment service is to collect information that will help Nuffield Health gain a deeper understanding of your energy levels and sleep patterns. As part of this service, you will be asked to wear a heart rate monitor for 72-hours to provide Nuffield Health with greater insight of your heart rate variability, alongside the completion of a journal to track contributing factors such as health behaviours.

For the service to be provided to you, you will be asked to provide the following information:

  • name
  • email address
  • home address
  • date of birth
  • gender
  • height
  • weight
  • activity class (own estimation of fitness from low to top level).

At your discretion, you can also provide information about recent illnesses, medication, alcohol consumption and self-reported journal data entries regarding health behaviours, as all these factors may potentially impact your heart rate and recovery of stress. This information is collected and used for making the interpretation of results more accurate and is important for both you and the Nuffield Health Physiologist to make accurate conclusions about the result. The highest standards of confidentiality will be applied to your personal data in accordance with data protection law.

With your permission, your personal data, as outlined above, will be accessed by Firstbeat, who will deliver part of the service to you, and a Nuffield Health Physiologist who will analyse the data and report the findings in your health and wellbeing report.

By giving your consent, you are allowing Nuffield Health to use your personal data for the purposes set out above and share your data with Nuffield Health’s partners at Firstbeat, who will send the device to you. The device should arrive within 3-4 working days, and the link will be live for 30 days. However, please complete the assessment as soon as possible to prevent delays to your health and wellbeing report.

Further information about how Nuffield Health process your personal data, including an overview of your rights and details of our Data Protection Officer are available in Nuffield Health’s Privacy Policy. For further information about how Firstbeat process your personal data, please see the Personal Data Processing for Partners – Firstbeat Lifestyle Assessment here.

Your participation is voluntary. If you do not want to take part or change your mind about taking part, you can withdraw your consent by:

When withdrawing your consent, any information already collected as part of this lifestyle assessment will be removed from both Nuffield Health and Firstbeat’s systems. Your Nuffield Health Physiologist will publish the health and wellbeing report without this information included.

If you have any questions about this assessment, please contact us at