Cardiff Bay Hospital
The Cardiff Bay Hospital is conveniently located in the heart of Cardiff Bay, providing the ideal private hospital setting for you to undergo a wide range of day case / outpatient procedures.
Give us a call

Why choose Nuffield Health Cardiff Bay Hospital for your private day case treatment?
We provide rapid access to private consultant clinics, screening, diagnostics, rehabilitation and day-case surgical treatment - all in one convenient Cardiff location. The only service we do not provide is for treatment requiring an overnight stay - if this is required you will be treated at our superb Vale Hospital located just 12 miles away.
With 15 private consulting rooms, state-of-the-art day case theatres and a newly refurbished endoscopy suite, our Cardiff Bay Hospital is the place to go for rapid-access, convenience and high quality healthcare for all diagnostic procedures.
The Cardiff Bay Hospital is open Monday - Thursday, 08:00 to 20:00 and on Fridays 09:00 - 16:00, (we are closed on weekends). We run a private GP service on Tuesday evenings at the hospital. There are 50 free car parking places available for our valued patients on-site.
Common treatments provided at Nuffield Health Cardiff Bay Hospital include:
- MRI scan
- CT scan
- Ultrasound
- Mammogram
- X-ray scan
- Physiotherapy
- Cataract surgery
- Prostate screening
- Colonoscopy.