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Why choose Nuffield Health Cheltenham Hospital for your breast care?

If you’re concerned about a condition with your breasts, our expert team of consultant breast surgeons and specialist nurses are highly experienced in all areas of breast care. We offer a rapid and reliable service working alongside expert consultants to reassure our patients.

Our aim is to provide you with a seamless breast care pathway, whether you’re referred to us by your GP, or you’re at the start of your journey.

What should I expect during my visit to Nuffield Health Cheltenham Hospital?

You will be seen initially by one of our specialist breast consultants, Mr Charlie ChanMs Fiona CourtMr Richard Hunt and Ms Charlotte Kallaway who will review your medical history and perform a breast examination in the presence of a breast care nurse. They may then request any further tests as appropriate to obtain an accurate diagnosis.

What other tests will I need?

If other tests are necessary they will be done during this visit and will usually include a Mammogram (an x-ray technique for taking pictures of the breast) and an ultrasound scan. Depending on your symptoms and the results of these tests additional tests may also be carried out during this visit including a Fine Needle Aspiration (FNA) or a Needle / Core Biopsy.

What happens next?

After the necessary tests have been performed, your consultant or the breast care nurse will see you again to explain the results and answer any questions you may have.

What if I need more treatment?

Happily, for the majority of patients, no serious problems are identified and no further tests or follow-up are necessary. In a small percentage of cases, further investigation and an operation may be needed to make a definite diagnosis. If this is the case you will be given all the options about continuing with your treatment privately.

How do I make an appointment at Nuffield Health Cheltenham Hospital?

Ask your GP for a referral and contact us to book a consultation with one of our breast experts:

  • Mr Chan, Miss Court and Ms Kallaway's Medical Secretary - 01242 235861
  • Mr Hunt's Medical Secretary - 01242 246523

Alternatively, fill in an enquiry form located below and we will get back to you at a time that's more convenient for you.

Spotting the signs of breast cancer

Be breast aware

Being breast-aware is part of maintaining your healthy lifestyle. As women get older their risk of developing breast cancer increases. Being conscious of how your breasts look and feel and regularly checking them is vital. If you notice any of the following, you should contact your GP who can refer you to one of our breast clinics.

  • Changes in the size of the breast or if one breast is noticeably larger than the other
  • Inverted nipples or a change in nipple shape
  • A rash on or around the nipple
  • Discharge from one or both nipples
  • Puckering or dimpling of the skin of the breast
  • Swelling under the armpit or around the collarbone
  • A lump or thickening of the breast
  • Constant pain in the breast or your armpit

It’s easy to check for any changes as you are getting dressed or in the shower. You should feel all parts of your breast and up into your armpit.

Breast screening

Breast screening (a mammogram) is designed to find cancers while they are very small and before they can be felt by you or your doctor. Visit our breast screening and awareness page to find out more.

Making the decision that’s right for you

When you are deciding whether to have a mammogram, it is important that you have all the relevant information in order to make an informed choice. Everyone wants and expects a normal result but you should consider the possibility that your result may not be straightforward and you may require further tests. This is all part of the screening process. Most women will be given the all clear after these tests but some will go on to have surgery or other forms of treatment. Having any extra tests will cause anxiety even if the outcome is good.

Tests and Scans

Related treatments and procedures: