Book an appointment

020 8341 4182

Our audiologists specialise in:

  • Hearing loss assessment
  • Advanced hearing aids and accessories
  • Full personalised hearing care packages
  • Ear protection/earplugs
  • In-ear-monitors

Audiology services provided:

  • Pure tone audiometry (comprehensive hearing test)
  • Tympanometry (middle ear analysis)
  • Ear protection
  • Swim moulds
  • In-ear monitors

What happens during the hearing test?

The appointment is 30 minutes but the hearing test takes 10-20 minutes depending on age and hearing loss. Initially, questions regarding reasons for attending and previous medical history will be asked. The test takes place within a sound-treated booth. Sounds of varying intensities and pitches will be played through headphones and you will be asked to press a button when you hear the sound. The aim is to identify the quietest sounds that can be heard.

Why should I choose Highgate Hospital Audiology services?

Our Audiology services are customised to your individual needs. Every patient is provided with the utmost care and professionalism. The consulting rooms are brand new and fully equipped. Our team provides the latest hearing aid advice that is unbiased and tailored to the specific needs of each patient.

Our consultants

Mrs Loren Loeb

BSA Part 1 & 2, Certificate in Hearing Therapy

Specialty: Audiological Medicine

Mrs Natalie Shnieder

BSc logopaedics

Specialty: Audiological Medicine

How to book an appointment

If you would like to book a consultation please call us on 020 8341 4182 or fill in the form below.