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020 8341 4182

Endoscopy is the term used for a variety of non-surgical procedures used to examine internal parts of the body. The endoscope is a small, highly flexible tube with a minute video camera at the end.

Our service

At Highgate Hospital, our Endoscopy Department has been awarded JAG accreditation. JAG accreditation QA standards were created to support the achievement of high-quality, safe and appropriate endoscopy services.

Endoscopic procedures are performed by a variety of consultant specialists depending on the condition to be investigated. Most forms of endoscopy are undertaken at Highgate Hospital including:

  • Gastroscopy – The gastroscope is passed through your mouth and into the stomach, under mild sedation. This procedure enables your consultant to identify problems in your gastrointestinal tract and, in some circumstances treat them, without surgery.
  • Colonoscopy – The colonoscope is inserted into the rectum and gradually advanced through the colon, allowing your consultant to examine the lining of your rectum, diagnose colon and rectal problems, perform biopsies and remove polyps.
  • Flexible sigmoidoscopy – the endoscope is passed through your rectum and into either the left, lower part of the large bowel (the sigmoid colon), under mild sedation. This procedure enables your consultant to inspect the part of the colon that empties into the rectum, identify problems and in some circumstances treat them.

Your procedure

Endoscopies do not usually require a general anaesthetic. You may be given a sedative to help you relax but many patients choose not to as there is very little discomfort associated with endoscopic procedures. The advantage of not having a sedative is that you are discharged quickly after the procedure with no restriction on your activities for the rest of the day. This particularly applies to driving, which is not allowed until the day after your procedure if you receive a sedative injection.

Your consultant will gently guide the endoscope into your body and into the area that is being examined. If required, a small tissue sample (biopsy) can be taken using a small cutting instrument attached to the end of the endoscope. Depending on the procedure, an endoscopy can take 15-60 minutes to carry out. It will usually be performed on a daycase basis, which means that you will not have to stay in the hospital overnight.

Meet our consultants

Dr Lakshmana Ayaru

BSc, MBBS(hons), FRCP, PhD

Specialty: Gastroenterology

Mrs Sara Badvie

MBBS(Hons), BSc(Hons), Master of Surgery(MS), FRCS(GenSurg)

Specialty: General Surgery, Colorectal Surgery

Dr Anthony Lerman

BSc (Hons), MB, BChir, MRCP

Specialty: Gastroenterology

Dr Sheena Mankodi


Specialty: Gastroenterology

Mr Nicholas Charles Marshall

MBBS, BSc, FRCS(Eng), FRCS(Ed), FRCS(GenSurg)

Specialty: General Surgery

Mr Hasan Mukhtar


Specialty: General Surgery, Colorectal Surgery

Dr Kwok Tang


Specialty: Gastroenterology

Dr Voi Shim Wong


Specialty: Gastroenterology

How to book an appointment

If you would like to book a consultation please call us on 020 8341 4182 or fill in the form below.