Book an appointment

020 8341 4182

This is the branch of medicine concerned with the diagnosis and treatment of disorders that occur in old age and the care of the elderly.

We offer outpatient clinics with Consultant Physicians specialising in medicine for the elderly. We can care for you from diagnosis through to treatment and rehabilitation for a wide range of conditions. Your consultant also has access to other specialists within the hospital including our Consultant Rheumatologists and Neurologists, to work with and refer to as appropriate.

Conditions we can help with

Our consultants specialise in:

  • Alzheimer’s disease
  • Dementia
  • General medicine for the elderly
  • Neurodegenerative disorders
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • Evaluation of falls
  • Dizziness or funny turns
  • Polypharmacy
  • Stroke and TIA
  • Poor mobility and pain
  • Acute medical problems with complex co-morbidity
  • Geriatric sleep problems
  • Rehabilitation and post-operative care

Our consultants

Dr Sam Qureshi


Specialty General (internal) Medicine, Geriatric Medicine

How to book an appointment

If you would like to book a consultation please call us on 020 8341 4182 or fill in the form below.