If your GP has diagnosed a hearing problem you will be referred for a hearing test and hearing aid fitting if needed. Our Audiological experts can quickly assess your needs and fit you with an the right hearing aid for you.

Your Audiologist will perform a complete assessment including assessing your current lifestyle and level of hearing. They will ask you questions about specific situations when your hearing is affected such as listening to music, during conversations with family and friends or when using a telephone. They will also ask you about your general health. 

Your Audiologist will also examine the health of your ears and perform a full hearing test to determine your current level of hearing. They will discuss the results with you and advise if you could benefit from a hearing aid.  

There are many types of hearing aids. Your consultant will advise which aid might fit your needs. Be sure and ask any questions and discuss any concerns you may have.  Measurements and an earmould may be taken.

In a followup appointment you will be fitted with your new hearing aid. Your Audiologist will spend time programming your new aid so that it operates at the optimum level for you. They will also show you how to adjust your aid yourself including adjusting the volume, changing the battery and cleaning your aid. 

It can take some time to adjust to wearing your new hearing aid. Your Audiologist will advise you how to ease into continued wearing of your aid. They may help you create a timetable so you can work up to a full day of wearing your aid. 

You may need to attend several followup visits to that we can measure how well your aid is helping you and make adjustments if necessary. 

Ipswich Hospital

Foxhall Road, Ipswich, IP4 5SW

01473 279100
Reception and switchboard 01473 279100
Treatment enquiries and prices 01473 279100
Outpatient bookings 01473 279123
Diagnostics and imaging 01473 277 581

Ways to pay

Nuffield Health promise

Our prices are all-inclusive. We will equal any comparable price. There are no time limits on your aftercare.

Paying for yourself

There are no hidden costs in our treatment prices. The price you see is the price you pay.

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Personal medical loan

Spread the cost of your treatment with a 6, 10 or 12 month 0% personal medical loan.

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Medical insurance

We work with you and your insurance provider to get you the treatment you need quickly

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