Patient meals at Nuffield Health Leeds Hospital.
Discover more about the meals you'll be enjoying during your stay as a patient at Nuffield Health Leeds Hospital
Nutritious food is a key part of your recovery after hospital treatment. That’s why at Nuffield Health Leeds Hospital we work with our catering partner Sodexo to freshly prepare healthy meals on-site for patients to suit a range of palettes and diets. We add no salt to our meals and our menus are developed to provide nutritionally balanced meals during your stay at our hospital. Take a look where the fresh food for our patient meals comes from.
Nuffield Health and Sodexo have also now achieved the Soil Association’s ‘Food for Life Served Here’ bronze award – the only multisite healthcare organisation with this accolade. It ensures we focus on nutrition, ethical sourcing, and seasonal produce in the food we give to our patients.
To achieve Food for Life bronze accreditation, we ensured:

- Meals contain no undesirable food additives or hydrogenated fats
- 75% of dishes are freshly prepared
- Meat is from farms which satisfy UK welfare standards
- Eggs are from cage-free hens
- Menus are seasonal
- Training is provided for all catering staff
- No GM ingredients are used
- Free drinking water is available
- No endangered fish are served
- Information about where the food has come from is on display
- Suppliers meet food safety standards
- Hospital caterers meet government guidelines for food and nutrition
What do you get to eat whilst in hospital?
Typically, after general anaesthetic, you will be offered something light like a salad or sandwich. It’s usually not advised to have anything too heavy after a general anaesthetic. If you’re staying longer than a day, depending on your surgery, you can take advantage of our wider menu.
Take a look at our current patient menus:
Gluten-free, vegan, halal, kosher and special menu for patients who have had bariatric surgery, as well as options for those who require a liquid diet are also available. We also have our menus available in a variety of formats including large print and dementia-friendly.
You may get to meet one of our chefs during your stay as they try to pop down to a handful of patient rooms daily to check what patients thought of their meal. If you don’t get chance to feedback your thoughts directly, add your feedback to your patient satisfaction survey that’s in your room. The teams at Sodexo receive these too and value any feedback they receive.

Bon appetit!