Rapid access breast clinic in London
Our rapid access breast clinic at Nuffield Health at St Bartholomew’s Hospital offers women fast, easy access to our specialist breast consultants and any diagnostic scans that may be required during that same visit ensuring a fast and accurate diagnosis
020 3386 9000
It's important for all patients to remain breast aware and know what's normal for them. Monthly examination will identify any new changes early and will require review in our rapid access breast clinic for further investigation.
At Nuffield Health at St Bartholomew’s Hospital our team comprises of dedicated breast specialists with a proven track record of diagnosing and managing breast disease. From first consultation to imaging and review, you can be assured the very best evidence-based care without compromise. We have our breast clinical nurse specialist on hand to advise and support you at every step of the way.
Breast awareness tips
Being breast aware is part of maintaining your healthy lifestyle. As women get older, their risk of developing breast cancer increases. Being conscious of how your breasts look and feel and regularly checking them is vital.
If you notice any of the following breast changes you should book in for further assessment:
- A lump or thickening of the breast
- A swelling under the armpit or around the collar bone
- Changes in size or shape of the breast or if one breast is noticeably larger than the other
- Puckering or dimpling of the skin of the breast
- Inverted nipples or a change in nipple shape
- A rash on or around the nipple
- Discharge from one or both nipples
- Constant pain in the breast or your armpit.
It’s easy to check for any changes in the breast as you're getting dressed or while you're in the shower. Look in a mirror and raise your arms – be aware of how your breasts look and take note of any indrawing of puckering of the skin. You should then feel all parts of your breast with the flat of your fingers and up into your armpit. Feeling for lumps or thickening. Doing this on a regular basis helps you become familiar with your breasts and therefore identify any changes early.
Breast screening at Nuffield Health at St Bartholomew’s Hospital
In addition to rapid access clinics for patients with breast symptoms, the team at Nuffield Health at St Bartholomew’s Hospital also offer breast screening for patients without any breast symptoms as part of well women checks.
It’s important for any women to get their breasts screened regularly. We recommend regular breast screening from the age of 40 with an annual mammogram. This aims to identify any changes in the breast that cannot yet be felt but could represent early cancerous change. Early identification of these changes improves treatment outcomes
The Nuffield Health at St Bartholomew’s Hospital diagnostic department is able to screen your breasts for these early changes. Our team are on hand if any abnormalities are found and any further tests will be arranged without delay. Our dedicated clinical nurse specialist will be on hand at every step of the process to support and reassure you.
Second opinions or transfer of care
We recognise that many patients receive a breast cancer diagnosis outside of Nuffield Health at St Bartholomew’s Hospital. Our specialist team make it easy to transfer your care to any of our breast specialists to avoid any unnecessary delay.
We're on hand to help you navigate the pathway for further investigation or treatment within Nuffield Health. We will reach out to your diagnosing hospital to get all your results to date to avoid any repeat investigation and minimise any delay. Please contact our team for further information and assistance.
How to make an appointment with the rapid access breast clinic
To access any of our breast services including breast screening or the rapid diagnostic breast clinic please contact us on 020 3386 9000 or fill in the enquiry form below and one of our expert team will be in touch to as soon as possible.
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