Urology services in London

Access to a range of urological treatments and surgery at Nuffield Health at St Bartholomew’s in the City of London.

020 3386 9000

Many conditions that affect men’s health often happen gradually and can sometimes go unnoticed. A problem may start as a minor niggle, and before you know you’ve learned to live with it, putting any concerns aside as you get on with your life. Also, you may not know that you can be treated. You may have concerns about your health and may not be sure what to do next.

Men of all ages come to be treated at Nuffield Health at St Bartholomew’s Hospital. We can help with health screening, investigation, procedures where necessary and your aftercare.


Our consultants have the following specialities: 

  • General urology 
  • Urinary tract cancer/diagnostics – Kidney, Ureters, Bladder, Prostate, Penis and Testicles.
  • Andrology / Male sexual health
  • Urinary tract stones

Conditions and symptoms we can help with: 

  • Raised PSA
  • Prostate cancer - MRI-based diagnostics 
  • Blood in the urine
  • Blood in the semen
  • Erectile dysfunction / Premature ejaculation 
  • Male Factor Infertility 
  • Testicular cancer / scrotal lump
  • Penile conditions including – Peyronie’s disease, congenital penile curvature, penile fracture/injury 
  • Kidney/ureteric stones 
  • Prostate symptoms/Benign enlarged prostate

Urological procedures we offer: 

    • Robotic prostate surgery
    • MRI-guided Brachy and Radiotherapy and Focal therapy 
    • Penis and Scrotal procedures including penile / testicular prosthesis insertion, Peyronie’s penile straightening surgery, radical orchidectomy, Surgical Sperm Retrieval (including microscopic testicular sperm extraction), epididymal cysts, hydrocele, microscopic varicocele ligation, circumcision, vasectomy and vasectomy reversal.
    • Bladder cystoscopy & biopsy
    • Kidney and ureteric stone procedures 
    • Benign prostate procedures

    Our consultants: 

    Professor Christof Kastner

    BM, PhD, FRCS (Urol), FEBU

    Specialty: Urology

    Mr Kasra Saeb-Parsy

    BSc, MB BS, AFHEA, FRCSEd (Urol)

    Specialty: Urology

    Professor Prabhakar Rajan

    BChir, FRCS, MA, PhD, MB

    Specialty: Urology

    Miss Chi-Ying Li


    Specialty: Urology

    Mr Benjamin Lamb

    MBBS, MA(Cantab), PhD, FRCS (Urol.)

    Specialty: Urology

    How to book

    If you are suffering from any urology symptoms and you want to discuss your concerns with a specialist, please give us a call on 020 3386 9000 or fill out a contact form below and one of our experts will be in touch to guide you as soon as possible.

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