An osteotomy is a procedure usually performed to correct damage caused by osteoarthritis or a deformity.

During an osteotomy your surgeon will cut or reposition a bone(s) in your foot.

What happens during midfoot osteotomy?

Midfoot osteotomy is usually performed under general anaesthetic. Local anaesthetic may also be used. The actual procedure will vary based on what correction is needed. A section of bone may be removed and the bones in your foot may be realigned. Small surgical screws or pins may hold the bones in place until they have healed. Your surgical wound will be closed using stitches or staples and a dressing will be applied. You may have a cast.

After your operation you will be taken to a recovery area where staff will monitor your recovery from the anaesthetic. We will give you pain relief medication but be sure and let us know if you are in any discomfort. Once you are stable you will be taken to your room.

Physiotherapy will visit to help you begin to move around on your own and teach you how to use any walking aides (walker, crutches or canes). In most cases you will not be able to bear weight on your foot (non-weight bearing – NWB). Physiotherapy will show you how to this. They may also give you basic exercises.

Going home after midfoot osteotomy

You may need to stay in hospital overnight. You will not be able to drive so please arrange for someone to take you home on the day of your discharge. Continue taking any prescribed medication and do any recommended exercises. Elevating your foot will help reduce swelling. Follow any instructions regarding wound or cast care. Your surgeon will remove your stitches or staples at your first follow-up appointment.

Most people make a good recovery from midfoot osteotomy. As with any surgical procedure there could be complications such as:

Specific complications of midfoot osteotomy may include:

  • Excessive swelling and change in colour of skin
  • Toes feel cold and can’t move
  • Nerve damage
  • Pain from surgical screws

Why not print this page so you can discuss any concerns you have with your consultant?

Oxford, The Manor Hospital

Beech Road, Headington, Oxford, OX3 7RP

01865 307777

Please note, there is only limited parking available at our hospital. Our car park is now managed by EURO CARPARKS. Patients and visitors are required to input their car registration in to the panels located in the main reception areas to avoid a fine. Parking T&Cs are detailed on signs in the car park.

Reception and all general enquiries 01865 307777
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Diagnostic Imaging (appointments and enquiries) 01865 307 457
Nurses' Station (for inpatients only) 01865 307 579
Physiotherapy (appointments only) 0333 305 7905
Physiotherapy (enquiries) 01865 307 533

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