Rapid Access Prostate Imaging & Diagnosis (RAPID) at Parkside Hospital
Our rapid-access prostate clinic includes a comprehensive prostate assessment, a diagnostic MRI scan, and a consultation with an experienced Urologist.
Find out more below.
Over 50,000 (or one in eight) men in the UK are diagnosed with prostate cancer each year (Cancer Research UK, 2024).
However, if caught early and treated quickly, chances of survival are high.
At Parkside Hospital, we are proud to provide a comprehensive service for rapid diagnosis of prostate conditions, led by a team of highly experienced clinical specialists.
Our RAPID (Rapid Access to Prostate Imaging & Diagnostics) service is a gold-standard service, using the findings from cutting-edge research to identify men who are most at risk of having prostate cancer and in need of further investigations. Patients are seen quickly in our rapid-access prostate assessment clinic, where they have an MRI scan and consultation with a Urologist to decide the next steps.
When to refer
Are you worried about your prostate?
Please book a consultation with one of our Private GPs today.
Has your GP told you a recent blood test showed an elevated PSA (Prostate-Specific-Antigen) level?
Please email our dedicated inbox with your blood test results: howim.rapidprostate@nuffieldhealth.com or call 020 8971 8000.
Our Clinical Nurse Specialist (Urology) will call you within one business day to assess whether our service is the most suitable option for you. If appropriate, you will then be booked into our rapid-access pathway.
Rapid access diagnosis, in one visit
You will be booked to:
- Meet our Clinical Nurse Specialist, who will perform any additional urine tests and better understand your prostate health.
- Have an advanced MRI scan.
- Discuss the results and next steps with a Consultant Urologist, specialised in treating prostate conditions.
Additional tests outside this package may include:
- Flow rate test - assess how well the bladder and urethra are functioning by measuring the amount and rate of urine a patient passes.
- Bladder ultrasound scan - a non-invasive scan to create live images of the bladder and urinary tract.
We welcome patients with private medical insurance. For those who are self-funding, the core package price is £1,800.
Find out more about our rapid-access diagnosis consultant prostate specialists
Specialises in prostate cancer diagnosis and retzius-sparing robotic surgery.
Specialises in Focal therapy for prostate cancer.
Specialises in prostate cancer diagnosis and robotic surgery.
What happens next?
Based on your results, your consultant specialist will inform you of the best next steps and continue to care for you:
If your results do not show the presence of cancer cells, you will be advised of your options. These may include surgical or non-surgical procedures:
- Aquablation - A minimally invasive surgery to treat an enlarged prostate (BPH), which causes urinary problems.
- Medication
If your results show the possibility of cancer cells, you will be advised to have a biopsy. During the biopsy, a small sample of your prostate tissue is removed using a needle, typically guided by ultrasound. The tissue is then examined under a microscope to check for cancer cells or other abnormalities.
As best practice, cancer cases are discussed with our Multidisciplinary Team (MDT) to decide the best clinical treatment options for you. Your consultant will then discuss and jointly determine with you your most suitable clinical treatment pathway.
Parkside Hospital's treatments for prostate cancer
How much does surgical treatment cost at Parkside Hospital?
Click here to navigate to the guide prices of procedures at Nuffield Health Parkside Hospital or contact the team using the form below.
Click here to download our RAPID Access Prostate Imaging & Diagnosis information leaflet.
Contact us
Please email our dedicated inbox with your blood test results: howim.rapidprostate@nuffieldhealth.com or call 020 8971 8000.
Contact Parkside Hospital
Fill in the form below, or give us a call on 020 8971 8000.
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