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Gastric balloon

A gastric balloon – sometimes also called an intragastric balloon – is a procedure aimed at those wishing to lose weight. It works by reducing the size of the stomach and limiting the amount of food it can hold, meaning the patient feels fuller even after very small meals. This is one way of losing weight without the need for surgery.

Find out more here.

Allurion balloon

The Allurion Balloon is a weight loss aid for adults over the age of 18 who are overweight or obese, defined as a body mass index (BMI +27). If you are significantly overweight and have a history of unsuccessful dieting, then Allurion Balloon Weight Loss Programme may be right for you.

Find out more here.

Gastric banding

Gastric banding (also known as lap banding) is a popular weight loss procedure that causes the individual to feel full even after eating only small meals. This effect is achieved by restricting the stomach’s capacity to hold food with a form of a restrictive band. This means you eat less and lose weight as a result.

Find out more here.

Gastric bypass surgery

This form of weight-loss surgery – also known as a Roux-en-Y gastric bypass procedure – works by reducing the amount of calories absorbed by the body after eating. It does this by reducing the size of the stomach and bypassing part of the intestinal tract

Find out more here.

Parkside Saxenda Care Package

Saxenda® is the first licensed presciption medicine that, when used with a low calorie meal plan and increased physical activity, can help you lose weight and keep it off.

Find out more here.

Sleeve gastrectomy

Gastric sleeve surgery – or a sleeve gastrectomy – is a weight loss procedure for those with a BMI of over 35. It is considered to be less significant than a full gastric bypass procedure, but is more effective than gastric banding. Unlike gastric banding, a sleeve gastrectomy is also permanent.

Find out more here.

Our consultants

Professor Omar Khan

MA, PhD, FRCS, PGCE (Med Ed), PGDip (Law)

Specialty: General Surgery

Professor Marcus Reddy


Specialty: General Surgery

Mr Georgios Vasilikostas

Association of Upper Gastrointestinal Surgeons (AUGIS), Association of Laparoscopic Surgeons (ALS), British Obesity and Metabolic Surgery Society (BOMS), International Federation for the Surgery of Obesity (IFSO), European Association of Endoscopic Surgery (EAES)

Specialty: General Surgery

Mr Andrew Wan

Specialty: General Surgery