The Teesside Reflux Clinic
Acid reflux is one of life’s discomforts that can compromise your daily living. It doesn’t have to be that way. Get rapid access to treatment with the Teesside Reflux Clinic.
0300 131 1423 (Select option 1)
Reflux - it’s more than just a bit of heartburn. Acid reflux can present itself in different ways, including:
- Hoarseness
- Cough (post prandial)
- Constant clearance of throat phlegm/lumpy sensation
- Bad breath
- Difficulty swallowing
- Chest pain
- Sore throat
- Nausea
- Difficulty sleeping
- Indigestion
- Heartburn
- Food regurgitation
- Acid/fluid regurgitation
- Excessive belching/burping
If you’re finding over the counter medication are no longer relieving symptoms, we can help.
Why choose The Teesside Reflux Clinic?
At Nuffield Health Tees Hospital, you have access to the region’s top specialists in acid reflux. You can be confident your treatment is the right for you, knowing your case will be individually reviewed by our multi-disciplinary team of consultants.

Their specialisms include:
- Gastroenterology
- Keyhole anti-reflux surgery
- Keyhole hiatal hernia surgery
- Endoscopic radio-frequency anti-reflux STRETTA therapy
- Ear, nose & throat
What treatment is available for acid reflux?
We offer the full range of reflux treatments available, from non-surgical, minimally invasive day surgery to surgical inpatient. The extensive pathways available gives you reassurance you’ll get the most appropriate treatment for your symptoms and not be restricted by what a clinic offers. Treatment options include:
- Oesophageal function test - a two-part diagnostics test involving a manometry and a pH impedance study. A manometry is a 30-minute procedure measuring the muscle function of the oesophagus. This test is run by a third party on behalf of Nuffield Health Leeds Hospital. A pH impedance study is a 24-hour test done at home, measuring the backflow of acid from the stomach.
- Gastroscopy - an investigative procedure using an endoscope is used to look inside the oesophagus, stomach and first part of the small intestine.
- Stretta therapy - a non-surgical outpatient procedure. It delivers radiofrequency energy to the lower oesophageal muscles, resulting in improved barrier function that causes reflux symptoms.
- LINX - a minimally invasive procedure, LINX is a small flexible band of titanium beads linked together around the base of the oesophagus. The magnetic attraction between the beads helps resist opening to gastric pressures, preventing acid reflux.
- Fundoplication - a laparoscopic procedure involving attaching part of the stomach to the lower oesophageal sphincter, which helps reduce acid reflux.
- 24 hr Restech pH study probe - a study to measure acid material in the throat. The test offers an enhance accuracy of diagnosis in patients suffering with laryngopharyngeal relux (LPR)
- Barium Contrast Studies - organised at Nuffield Health Newcastle Hospital in Jesmond
- Laparoscopic (key hole) hiatal hernia repair in association with anti-reflux procedure
Our experts work with you to develop the treatment plan that suits you, your symptoms and lifestyle.
Meet The Tees Reflux Clinic team
How much does a Reflux Clinic appointment cost?
An initial consultation is from £200. You can use your medical insurance or pay directly yourself. Contact us on 01642 367448 with any questions you have on the service including pricing.
How quickly can I get a Reflux Clinic appointment?
We have zero waiting lists at Nuffield Health Tees Hospital.
Patient testimonials
Keyhole fundoplication and hiatus hernia repair with Mr Viswanath
You probably don't hear from many patients over a year post surgery. I had a keyhole fundoplication and hiatus hernia repair with Mr Viswanath in May 2015. Prior to surgery I was taking 10 tablets a day, and they were not even close to controlling my severe reflux symptoms. If you discount the dietary aspect of recovery, my recuperation was short and easy. The dietary aspect was a long haul however. As a personal trainer I normally consume a lot of calories, and getting enough calories from a liquid diet was very difficult. Added to this were the weeks and months of learning to eat solid food again. Honestly, I thought I would never get back to normal, and that the symptoms would persist, and it would all have been for nothing. Now, over a year later, it has completely changed my life! I am totally drug free and more importantly I am symptom free from something that had affected my quality of life 24-7 for years. I can now eat and drink normally, eat things I couldn't before because they made me sick or gave me heartburn, and I rarely have an issue. I maybe get a mild bout of heartburn lasting a half hour, every 3 months that I don't even need to take a Rennie for. Yes, the first 3 months feel never ending, but it is a small price to pay for a drug and symptom free life. It has made such a dramatic improvement to my quality of life. I can even hang upside down in aerial yoga, without losing my last meal! Thank you very much to Mr Viswanath and his team - True professionals. I would highly recommend having this procedure to anyone suffering the misery of constant acid reflux symptoms.
Procedure – Laparoscopic repair of Hiatus Hernia with anti-reflux procedure (fundoplication)
In August 2014 I underwent Nissen Fundoplication surgery at the Nuffield Health Tees Hospital. I would like to take this opportunity to thank my surgeon, Mr Viswanath and all of the staff at the hospital for their help and support throughout this time. Prior to my surgery I had consultations with Mr Viswanath and I was very nervous, in fact I was very anxious and frightened. As a trained nurse my mind was doing overtime! Mr Viswanath was very reassuring and kind. After the surgery I could not believe how well I felt and have been since! I can honestly say it has changed my life. I now take no medication and have a better quality of life. I truly believe that Mr Viswanath is one of the best surgeons as he is very efficient and kind. I would definitely recommend Mr Viswanath and the Nuffield Health Tees Hospital.
Restech pH diagnostic study followed by Stretta therapy for GORD (Acid reflux)
I have had problems for 8 years. Coughing initially, shortness of breath and indigestion, which gradually became worse. I also had asthma symptoms 4 years ago which included wheezing, hoarse voice and sinusitis. I saw an ENT physician who thought these symptoms were caused by gastric reflux. In the last 4 years, I have had lung function tests, lung scans, gastroscopies and pH manometry tests, which all proved inconclusive. My symptoms gradually became so bad it was making my life a misery. I was unable to continue with hobbies such as ballroom dancing and I was so breathless that walking the dog was becoming a problem too. My symptoms got that bad that I was wheezing just going upstairs! I was prescribed steroids and inhalers for the breathlessness and wheezing. I had also been taking omeprazole for many of these years and when I had to stop taking this prior to some procedures I suffered terrible indigestion, heart burn and chest pain. I researched gastric reflux and found an article about Professor Viswanath who performed a procedure called Stretta. I saw my GP about this procedure and he referred me to see Professor Viswanath at Nuffield Health Tees Hospital. My first appointment was in January 2019 where I was advised to have a gastroscopy and a Restech pH study to accurately diagnose my reflux condition. The results showed evidence of significant reflux, I decided to go ahead with the Stretta procedure, which was 6 weeks ago now, and the improvement in my symptoms is unbelievable! I am now sleeping better, not waking up at 5am with terrible regurgitation and choking. My breathing is much improved and I am delighted to be back at ballroom dancing again. I am still coughing but not as much as I was and my voice is not as hoarse which my friends and family have noticed. I cannot thank Professor Viswanath enough; he has given me a new lease of life. Thank you so much.
How do I book an appointment with The Teesside Reflux Clinic?
Free yourself from the anxiety, disruption and discomfort of acid reflux, contact us on 0300 131 1423 (option 1).
Contact our experts in Tees
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