Gynaecomastia surgery is a cosmetic treatment to reduce the size of male breasts.

Is gynaecomastia surgery right for me?

If you're unhappy with the appearance of your chest, you may be suitable for a male breast reduction.

What happens during gynaecomastia surgery?

Before gynaecomastia surgery

When you see your consultant they may recommend weight loss in the first instance. However if your gynaecomastia is caused by breast tissue overdevelopment, weight loss will not resolve the problem

What happens during gynaecomastia surgery?

Breast reduction surgery takes 60-90 minutes and is usually performed under general anaesthetic as a day case. In some cases an overnight hospital stay is required.

Your surgeon will make an incision around the areola (dark area around the nipple) and remove excess fatty tissue. Liposuction may be used however if there is a large amount of fatty tissue other incisions may be necessary. Your nipples may need to be repositioned.

Bandages will be applied to support your breasts and control swelling. You will be given pain relief medication.

Recovery from gynaecomastia surgery

You will need to take a week off work to fully recover. You should avoid any heavy lifting or strenuous activity for 3-4 weeks after surgery.

Your breasts may be bruised and swollen. After a few days the bandages can be removed. However you may be asked to wear a supporting garment for 4-6 weeks to support your breasts and compress your chest. Any scars may appear red and raised. These will fade over time.

This chart is a guide to stages of recovery only. Everyone heals differently so your results may vary.

1-7 days
2 Weeks
4 weeks
6 weeks

You may have some discomfort for a week. Mild painkillers will help with this but avoid taking aspirin.

Keep walking around to avoid post operative complications.

Support garment worn day and night for up to 3 weeks.

Might pull and hurt a little when you move around.

Any non dissolvable stitches will be removed.

Gradually begin to increase your activity.

You may be able to return to work if your job does not involve strenuous activity or heavy lifting.

Bruising and swelling fades

No longer need to wear support garment.

Return to work and resume most normal activities.

No strenuous activity or exercise yet.

Resume exercise

You can begin to judge the result.

Avoid exposing the treated area to direct sunlight for 6 months

Gynaecomastia surgery (male breast reduction) consultants at Tees Hospital

Tees Hospital

Junction Road, Norton, Stockton on Tees, TS20 1PX

01642 360 100
Enquiries 01642 360 100
Physiotherapy 03450454845
Appointments 01642 367404
Treatment options & prices 01642 367 439
Main switchboard 01642 360100

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