Acupuncture is an ancient form of Chinese medicine which started about 2000 ago, and these days we know how it works. A qualified health professional inserts fine needles into different points on the body and the process stimulates the nerves.

By inserting needles into different points on the body, acupuncture can relieve pains and treat disorders that have not responded to conventional treatment. These can include such common ailments as migraine, arthritis, joint pain, respiratory conditions and gynaecological conditions.

Acupuncture can be helpful if you:

  • Feel tiredness and weakness (fatigue)
  • Have a dry mouth
  • Have hot flushes due to anti-cancer treatment
  • Experience nausea
  • Have peripheral neuropathy

While it is perceived a very safe procedure, please do not proceed if you are experiencing unexplained bleeding or bruising, if you have a rash on the body, or if you suspect that you have an infection. Please speak to your specialist team for a further advice.
Warwickshire Hospital

The Chase, Old Milverton Lane, Leamington Spa, CV32 6RW

01926 427971
Switchboard 01926 427971
Self Pay Enquiries 01926 436351
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Pathology 01926 436344
Private GP Service 01926 436303
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Outpatient bookings 01926 562472

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