Call us today

01483 355 116

Why choose Nuffield Health Woking Hospital for your eye care?

Our specialist eye clinic in Woking is run by our highly experienced ophthalmologists who are well known locally, nationally and internationally, as their reputations are exemplary. Their combined knowledge and expertise means that they can offer advice, diagnose and treat a wide range of eye conditions.

By talking to us about your eye problems, we can direct you to the right consultant and provide rapid access to treatment. You can be assured you are in the best hands.

At Nuffield Health Woking Hospital, our ophthalmologists specialise in:

  • Cataract Surgery
  • Laser Cataract Surgery
  • Refractive Lens Exchange
  • Corneal Graft
  • Excision of Lesion of Lid

Our Consultant Ophthalmologists

Mr Richard Condon

MB BCh, BAO, DO (Lon), FRCS (Ed), FRCOpthal

Specialty: Ophthalmology

Mr Vinod Gangwani


Specialty: Ophthalmology

Mr Simon Horgan


Specialty: Ophthalmology

Mr Lavnish Joshi

BSc, MBBS, Med, MD, FRCOphth

Specialty: Ophthalmology

Mr Thomas Kersey


Specialty: Ophthalmology

Miss Sonia Mall

BM, Bsc(Hons), DRCOphth, FRCOphth

Specialty: Ophthalmology

Mr Christopher McLean


Specialty: Ophthalmology

Mr Ulrich Meyer-Bothling

MSc PhD FRCOphth

Specialty: Ophthalmology

Mr Nick Muthiah

MB BS, MEd SE (Merit), FRCOphth, PhD (UCL)

Specialty: Ophthalmic Surgery, Ophthalmology

Mr Michael Tappin

MB BS, BSc, FRCOphth

Specialty: Ophthalmology

Contact us today
If you are suffering with an eye condition or would like some more information about treatments available, please call 01483 355 116 or alternatively, fill out the form below and we will get back to you at a more convenient time.