Leading Consultant Dermatologists offer a full range of services.

The dermatology service at the Nuffield Health York Hospital is provided by four dermatologists who also work as consultants at York Hospital NHS Trust.

Dr Christina Williams


Specialty: Dermatology

We offer a full range of general services in York for skin conditions including:

For inflammatory dermatitis conditions such as eczema, acne, psoriasis and other rashes, we offer a full service with treatments sometimes carried out at the York Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust on a private basis.

Worried about skin cancer?

One of our most common enquiries is about suspected skin cancers in new or changed moles or other lumps and bumps on the skin. This is particularly prominent because of the increase in such skin diseases, but also the awareness that has been raised by campaigns to catch these things early.

We offer a service for rapid assessment for people concerned about any lumps, bumps or marks so that we can put your mind at rest. In most cases we can also offer an assessment of the whole skin to check for other possible marks for completeness.

The vast majority of marks on the skin are innocent and what we need to be aware of is what risks there may be for skin cancers such as excessive sun exposure at any time during life, either in childhood, during work outside or living abroad or using sun beds for example.

The most important factor is “Is this a new mark, or has it changed rapidly, either growing, changing colour, bleeding or becoming an unusual shape?

Where a visual check is not sufficient we can advise on the need for skin biopsy and arrange this at our clinic or write to your GP – it’s up to you.

Good to know

To see useful articles all about skin conditions, symptoms along with common tests and treatments, take a look at our dermatology hub page.


If you'd like to book an appointment or just find out more about our services, call our enquiry team on 01904 233225 and a friendly member of the team will help you.

You can also send us an email using the form below.