You should gently roll each testicle between your index finger and thumb which will help identify any irregularities. When you are checking your testicles, you may feel a rounded tube towards the back of each testicle that may be tender. This is normal and is called the epididymis. It is part of the male reproductive system.

Contact us if you notice:

  • Lumps on a testicle (even if small and painless)
  • Unusual pains or heaviness in the scrotum
  • Dull aches in the groin or lower abdomen
  • Sudden collections of fluid in the testicle leading to swelling
  • Differences in size between one testicle and the other, if this is something that has changed over time.

Don’t put it off, early detection is vital

If you are concerned that you have a lump or pain in your testicles, it’s best to get it checked out as soon as possible. If there is no problem (which is most commonly the case) then you will be reassured, and if there is cancer cells found early detection greatly improves the success of treatment.

There are many reasons why lumps could have formed and the vast majority are not testicular cancer at all. Do not be embarrassed or worried about seeing a specialist, we deal with such matters on a daily basis!