25% discount for all education employees
To join online, search for your local centre below and enter code BLCTEACHERS25.
- 0131 221 8000
Fountain Park, 65-95 Dundee Street
EH11 1AF - 01462 681075
Letchworth Lane
(next to Letchworth Hall Hotel)
Letchworth Garden City
* The 25% discount is for all direct employees of the education sector. This is defined as any person employed full or part-time and paid directly by a school, college or university. A valid work ID badge/card or Blue Light Card is required upon joining and will need to be validated by the management team at your local centre on your first visit. No other promotion applies. Joining fee payable. The discount gives 25% off our full individual monthly rolling and 12-month memberships only. Partners of education sector members can join and receive 20% off our standard monthly and 12-month joint memberships. Partners must also be 18 and over, live at the same address and pay using the same bank account. Nuffield Health reserves the right, in its absolute discretion, to withdraw or to modify these offers at any time without prior notice and with no liability. Please see our full terms and conditions covering membership here. For members who think they may be eligible for our 25% discount please contact your centre. The discount will not be backdated for current memberships. Facilities vary by centres – there are pools in 109 of 110 centres. Nuffield Health Battersea Fitness & Wellbeing Centre does not have a pool.