Joint Pain Self-Management

Find out how to improve your pain symptoms and live positively with joint pain.

Our free Joint Pain Programme

In our 6-month programme you’ll learn how to manage your joint pain through:
  • Exercises to strengthen your joints
  • Healthy eating
  • Relaxation exercises
  • Getting a good night’s sleep

Find out more and sign up

The role of exercise

You may be worried that physical activity could damage your joints or make joint pain worse.

However studies have shown that exercise helps to build both healthy cartilage and muscular support around the joints, keeping them stronger for longer.

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Exercises for joint pain

Exercises that build the muscles and ligaments around your joints will help to keep your joints sturdy, making you less prone to injury in the long run.

Joint-friendly workouts

Here are some exercises to improve your joint health and mobility, including specific sessions for hips, knees and back pain.

Joint pain self-care

Exercise is important, but there are other ways to manage joint pain, such as mindfulness, relaxation techniques and healthy eating. Find out more in the articles below.