Walking with ease again | Tracy's inspiring recovery through Nuffield Health Joint Pain Programme

Suffering from arthritis pain in her hips and hands, Tracy was left housebound for two years during the pandemic. As the pain became unbearable and began to affect her daily routine, Tracy's local GP suggested applying for the Joint Pain Programme at Nuffield Health.

“My GP said there have been some great outcomes for people taking part in this programme and it could be done on a self-referral basis for free,” says Tracy.

Tracy's pre-programme concerns

“I was so anxious about going as I knew an element of the programme included time spent at the gym and I am not a ‘gym person,’ I really believed that gyms were only for fit people. But once I started, I realised there were people just like me there, and it’s not about the way you look, it’s about keeping healthy,” says Tracy.

Before joining the programme, Tracy said that she’d lost her confidence, and it was a real effort just to even take the dogs on a short walk.

“I enjoyed going on walks with the dogs, but when pain and anxiety take over you shut yourself away, and during the pandemic I didn’t leave the house for two years,” recalls Tracy.

Regaining her confidence

The Joint Pain Programme has given Tracy the confidence to push herself to do things she wouldn’t normally have the confidence to do. 

“If the joints are feeling a bit rigid, I know what gym equipment to use and for me, it’s like adding a bit of oil here and there to get moving freely again,” says Tracy.

“During the pandemic, I didn’t leave the house for two years, but now I can walk the dogs again.”

“The people at Medway are just great and my rehabilitation specialist, Bethany is fantastic, she’s always there to help when I need it,” says Tracy.

A family affair

Tracy's involvement in the programme has had a positive ripple effect on her family's health, inspiring them to live healthier lifestyles.

“I have even introduced my daughter to the programme as she suffers with joint pain and psoriasis arthritis, and my husband has joined the gym. The Joint Pain Programme has brought my family to the gym together to feel healthy,” says Tracy.

“I’ve also met some really good friends through the programme, which is something I never expected and now we meet up once a month for a social get-together,” says Tracy.

Tracy's words of encouragement

Tracy’s advice for anyone who has started the programme is to, “Keep going with it and carry on doing what you’re doing.”

Last updated Thursday 23 May 2024

First published on Tuesday 12 September 2023