Suffering from arthritis pain in her hips and hands, Tracy was left housebound for two years during the pandemic. As the pain became unbearable and began to affect her daily routine, Tracy's local GP suggested applying for the Joint Pain Programme at Nuffield Health.

Updated: Thursday 23 May 2024

Published: Tuesday 12 September 2023

On the slopes, knee injuries are a constant threat. They make up around one third of all injuries and can result in serious ACL and MCL damage. Consultant Trauma and Orthopaedic Knee Surgeon Saket Tibrewal explores prevention, treatment, and why knee injuries specifically are becoming more and more common.

Updated: Friday 8 March 2024

Published: Friday 8 March 2024

Using a foam roller can be a highly effective way of improving your post-workout recovery. Helping to increase mobility, foam rolling can also reduce onset muscle soreness and aid with the function of our vascular and parasympathetic nervous systems. Wondering how it works? Nuffield Health National Physiotherapy Lead Jodie Breach helps explain what foam rolling can do for your performance and recovery.

Updated: Tuesday 23 January 2024

Published: Monday 18 September 2023

Joint pain is one of the most common reasons for avoiding active movement and exercise. Stiff joints, a poor range of motion, and mobility issues all make accessing and enjoying traditional sports and exercise plans difficult. Below, Senior Rehabilitation Specialist Jon Taberner explains how best to safely exercise if you suffer with neck, shoulder, back, or knee pain.

Updated: Thursday 26 October 2023

Published: Thursday 26 October 2023

As we age, our muscle mass starts to shrink. This can put extra pressure on our joints and increase our risk of joint pain and conditions like arthritis. Thankfully, painful joints are avoidable no matter what age you are. Clinical Fitness Regional Lead Abby Maclean has all the information and exercises you need to lessen the strain on your joints as you age.

Updated: Thursday 26 October 2023

Published: Thursday 26 October 2023

Exercise is crucial to building stronger joints, even if you already experience pain. Try these clinically approved exercises for people with joint pain.

Updated: Tuesday 24 October 2023

Published: Wednesday 17 October 2018

67-year-old Geoff and his wife have a passion for skiing and walking in the Alps. However Geoff’s damaged knee cartilage was threatening to put a stop to these activities until he had a partial knee replacement on each side, just nine months apart. Feeling confident, he returned to the slopes just six months later, with next year’s ski trip already planned for March.

Updated: Monday 23 October 2023

Published: Monday 23 October 2023

Hips and knees are designed to last a lifetime, but injury, accidents and osteoarthritis can leave your joints worn out and very painful. Our experts in orthopaedics, nutrition and exercise share their tips for looking after your joints.

Updated: Monday 25 September 2023

Published: Thursday 25 February 2016

Do you shy away from the gym for fear of damaging your joints? You needn’t be worried. Exercise can in fact help to protect your joints, as well as relieve pain. “I don’t do that exercise because it’s bad for your joints.” Sound familiar? It’s a common reason people avoid exercises like running, weight training or some classes.

Updated: Friday 22 September 2023

Published: Tuesday 2 October 2018

From ACL ligament injuries to shin splints, from muscles strains to tendon pain, injuries happen to even the fittest people at times. Dr Davina Deniszczyc, Medical Director at Nuffield Health, shares her top five tips for preventing and treating common injuries.

Updated: Thursday 14 September 2023

Published: Friday 13 September 2019

Rehab is something we’re all familiar with. Sporting injuries are common and require a programme of physiotherapy and sometimes medical attention to allow you to get back on track. It can be a lengthy and painful process. But a new practice is emerging, which allies itself to the mantra ‘prevention is better than cure’. The process is called ‘Prehab’.

Updated: Friday 2 September 2022

Published: Friday 19 June 2015

Fast track your recovery with this easy-to-follow video guide for hip surgery patients.

Updated: Friday 2 September 2022

Published: Friday 14 October 2016