Ever started a new job and wondered if you’re good enough? If you answered yes, you might be experiencing imposter syndrome. Characterised by thoughts and doubts about your ability or competence, these feelings are often accompanied by worries about failure or “being found out”

Updated: Wednesday 26 June 2024

Published: Wednesday 8 May 2024

Most of us have experienced a hangover at some point in our lives. We might be familiar with some of the physical symptoms that a hangover can cause, but feeling worried, anxious, or restless are just as common in certain people when they overconsume alcohol.

Updated: Wednesday 19 June 2024

Published: Wednesday 19 June 2024

We often associate the summer with sunshine and feeling happier, however around 10% of seasonal affective disorder (SAD) cases occur during the warmer months. SAD is characterised by a sudden onset of depression or low mood and can be confusing to deal with, especially when everyone else looks like they’re having a great time in the sun.

Updated: Wednesday 5 June 2024

Published: Wednesday 5 June 2024

Stress-related mental health issues are becoming more and more common in the workplace. How we manage stress at work differs from person to person, as we all have our ways of processing emotions and relaxing.

Updated: Tuesday 28 May 2024

Published: Thursday 24 August 2023

For many of us, focusing on the positive things in life is a lot harder than dwelling on the negatives. Gratitude journaling is a quick and easy self-help technique that trains the mind to think more about the things (big or small) we’re grateful for.

Updated: Thursday 9 May 2024

Published: Thursday 9 May 2024

Walking is a free and convenient way to enjoy the great outdoors and boost your mood in the process. It’s also a proven way of treating symptoms and mental health problems like stress, anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem. Keep reading to learn more about what walking can do for your mental health and how best to get started with your new routine.

Updated: Wednesday 1 May 2024

Published: Tuesday 23 April 2024

Research shows that people who exercise regularly tend to experience better emotional and mental health. Movement is also proven to help alleviate symptoms associated with mental health conditions like depression and anxiety.

Updated: Wednesday 24 April 2024

Published: Wednesday 24 April 2024

The physical health benefits of regular exercise for young ones are well known. What’s less explored is how movement can help with restlessness, worry, anxiety and a lack of focus in children.

Updated: Monday 22 April 2024

Published: Monday 22 April 2024

Remote working has become the new normal for many of us. While these benefits are great, working from home can impact our mental health if we’re not careful. Lisa Gunn provides some tips for making the most of the benefits of working from home.

Updated: Monday 11 March 2024

Published: Friday 4 August 2023

The relationship between work and anxiety is an intricate and significant one. The demands of modern workplace, including tight deadlines, high performance expectations and interpersonal relationships can all lead to heightened anxiety levels among employees.

Updated: Tuesday 23 January 2024

Published: Thursday 28 September 2023

Staying connected to others using our smartphone, tablet, or computer can have huge benefits. By always keeping in touch, we can manage relationships and stay connected with friends and family at the touch of a button. For some of us, this can feel tiring and like we are constantly tasked with keep up on message, emails, and social media posts.

Updated: Tuesday 23 January 2024

Published: Wednesday 15 November 2023

Life is full of distractions. It's not uncommon to find our thoughts racing off onto things that are outside of our immediate control. Mindfulness is all about bringing our thinking back to the present moment. You can even use mindfulness techniques to manage anxiety and stress.

Updated: Tuesday 2 January 2024

Published: Friday 26 February 2016

Gym anxiety, or “gymtimidation” is common in people joining the gym for the first time or returning after some time off. If you’re worried about how you look or that people will be watching you, you’re not alone. These thoughts and feelings are extremely common and typically stem from a fear of the unknown.

Updated: Tuesday 2 January 2024

Published: Tuesday 2 January 2024

Whether you’re on your own or surrounded by loved ones, feeling lonely during the festive period is more common than you might think. High expectation coupled with feeling like everyone else is having a great time can amplify feelings of loneliness and isolation. Mental Health Prevention Lead Lisa Gunn explores coping strategies to help you feel less lonely at this time of year.

Updated: Friday 1 December 2023

Published: Wednesday 29 November 2023

Whilst Christmas is a time for celebration, for many of us it can induce anxiety and raise expectation and cause feelings of worry, panic, and sadness. If you’re worried or concerned about the festive period and feel your anxiety increasing, keep reading for some practical and helpful coping strategies to help you enjoy Christmas that little bit more.

Updated: Thursday 30 November 2023

Published: Tuesday 28 November 2023

Christmas is often associated with drink-laden celebrations. For many, the idea of not drinking over the festive period can appear difficult. If you’re looking to abstain over the festive season or it’s your first sober Christmas, there’s plenty you can do to enjoy the period without thinking about alcohol.

Updated: Thursday 30 November 2023

Published: Monday 27 November 2023

Loneliness is an emotion that all of us will feel at some point in our lives. When we feel lonely, it’s because we aren’t getting enough social interaction. If loneliness is affecting your life, you’re not on your own. Almost 50% of UK adults report feeling lonely at some point throughout their life.

Updated: Tuesday 21 November 2023

Published: Tuesday 22 December 2020

Many of us experience fluctuations in our mood that can last days, weeks or even months. If the onset of depressive symptoms seem to coincide with changes in the weather or temperature, you may be experiencing a type of depression known as seasonal affective disorder (SAD).

Updated: Tuesday 14 November 2023

Published: Thursday 9 November 2023

Suicide is still a taboo subject that many of us find difficult to talk about. When we do have these conversations, our choice of language matters. Below, Nuffield Health Mental Health Prevention Lead Lisa Gunn explains how to approach the conversation of suicide using compassionate and understanding language.

Updated: Friday 29 September 2023

Published: Friday 29 September 2023

There is a wide range of support available for people struggling with suicidal thoughts. This can range from talking therapy, medication or psychiatric support if required. With the help of Mental Health Prevention Lead Lisa Gunn, find out more about medications for mental health problems, the link between suicide and substance abuse, and the treatment options for at-risk individuals experiencing suicidal thoughts.

Updated: Thursday 28 September 2023

Published: Thursday 28 September 2023