If you suffer with high blood pressure, snacking can be difficult. Living with hypertension can mean drastic dietary changes that mean some fatty, high-calorie snacks are now off the menu. Thankfully, there are many tasty alternatives to your favourite snacks. Keep reading to find out how you can still enjoying snacks if you have high blood pressure.

Updated: Thursday 18 January 2024

Published: Wednesday 1 February 2017

Nuffield Health's Head of Charity Brendan Street shares two cognitive behavioural therapy techniques to help retrain your body and mind to sleep well at night.

Updated: Tuesday 2 January 2024

Published: Wednesday 5 October 2016

You’ve taken control of your health and wellbeing and joined the gym, so why the worry? Senior Wellbeing Personal Trainer, Graham Morland, tackles first-time gym-goer anxieties head on.

Updated: Tuesday 2 January 2024

Published: Thursday 11 May 2017

This National Heart Health Month, Nuffield Health Physiotherapy Manager and Cardiac Rehabilitation Lead, Helen Alexander, shares five lifestyle changes you can make to help improve your heart health.

Updated: Tuesday 2 January 2024

Published: Thursday 2 February 2023

Heart-related issues can impact people from all walks of life. In the UK, more than 7 million people grapple with heart and circulatory conditions, and these diseases are responsible for nearly 170,000 deaths. Dr Bhavik Modi, a Consultant Cardiologist at the Nuffield Health Leicester Hospital, delves into the workings of the heart and highlights common warning signs you should look out for.

Updated: Tuesday 2 January 2024

Published: Friday 27 October 2023

Heart disease is the UK’s single biggest killer, but you have the power to significantly reduce your chances of developing it.

Updated: Tuesday 2 January 2024

Published: Friday 11 September 2015

Life is full of distractions. It's not uncommon to find our thoughts racing off onto things that are outside of our immediate control. Mindfulness is all about bringing our thinking back to the present moment. You can even use mindfulness techniques to manage anxiety and stress.

Updated: Tuesday 2 January 2024

Published: Friday 26 February 2016

Food is an energy source. Used well, it will maintain a steady energy level throughout the day, used badly and your energy levels will peak and trough, along with your ability to function properly. Our expert tips will help you get the most out of your diet to feel great every day.

Updated: Tuesday 2 January 2024

Published: Tuesday 24 May 2016

For most of us, setting our fitness goals is the easy part. It’s sticking to them that’s the tricky part. Whether you’re looking to stay on track and hit a new personal best, or you’re struggling to stay motivated with a new weight loss plan, we’ve got some expert tips to keep you on track.

Updated: Monday 11 December 2023

Published: Friday 25 November 2016

Sleeping well is essential for your health and wellbeing, but many of us struggle to get quality sleep. Senior Health and Wellbeing Physiologist Luke Cousins shares nine lifestyle tips to help you sleep better.

Updated: Monday 11 December 2023

Published: Monday 8 August 2016

Christmas is often associated with drink-laden celebrations. For many, the idea of not drinking over the festive period can appear difficult. If you’re looking to abstain over the festive season or it’s your first sober Christmas, there’s plenty you can do to enjoy the period without thinking about alcohol.

Updated: Thursday 30 November 2023

Published: Monday 27 November 2023

High intensity interval training starts to show results in a matter of weeks. It’s got a huge following and has quickly become one of the most popular ways to workout. But why? Keep reading to find out why HIIT has soared in popularity, and what it can do to keep you looking and feeling healthy.

Updated: Thursday 9 November 2023

Published: Tuesday 21 March 2017

Acne is a skin condition that can affect anyone, from teenagers to adults. It can cause itching, scarring, and affect our health and confidence. What causes acne varies from person to person, with hormonal changes and stress being two common triggers. Thankfully, there are a few simple lifestyle changes that can help.

Updated: Tuesday 7 November 2023

Published: Friday 19 June 2015

As we get older, it’s important we don’t give up exercise and physical activity completely. Research suggests that regular exercise and maintaining a healthy amount of movement throughout life can significantly mitigate the negative impact of these changes.

Updated: Monday 30 October 2023

Published: Monday 2 May 2016

As we age, our muscle mass starts to shrink. This can put extra pressure on our joints and increase our risk of joint pain and conditions like arthritis. Thankfully, painful joints are avoidable no matter what age you are. Clinical Fitness Regional Lead Abby Maclean has all the information and exercises you need to lessen the strain on your joints as you age.

Updated: Thursday 26 October 2023

Published: Thursday 26 October 2023

Whether you work in an office or from home, it doesn’t take long for poor posture and an unergonomic workspace to damage to your back. At work, one of the best things you can do for your long-term health and productivity is to get up and take regular breaks away from your workstation.

Updated: Tuesday 24 October 2023

Published: Wednesday 23 September 2015

Exercise is crucial to building stronger joints, even if you already experience pain. Try these clinically approved exercises for people with joint pain.

Updated: Tuesday 24 October 2023

Published: Wednesday 17 October 2018

A girl getting her first period can be a distressing and confusing time. When the menstrual cycle begins, emotions can be difficult to process, and physical symptoms can make it harder for them to maintain healthy activity levels throughout adolescence. All of this can have a negative impact on how young girls view and participate in sport both in and outside school.

Updated: Wednesday 11 October 2023

Published: Wednesday 11 October 2023

Exercise is a great way to help lower your blood pressure levels. Ben Kelly, Director of Research and Outcomes, explains five of the best exercises.

Updated: Friday 22 September 2023

Published: Wednesday 30 March 2016

Chronic pain can make it feel like life may never be “good” or “normal” again. Whether it’s joint pain, arthritis or the long-term discomfort associated with a diagnosed health condition, chronic pain is ever present for millions of people.

Updated: Thursday 17 August 2023

Published: Tuesday 2 October 2018