Brendan Street, our Professional Head of Emotional Wellbeing, provides some insight into why we may eat emotionally and provides some tactics to helps us limit it.

Updated: Monday 25 April 2022

Published: Tuesday 17 January 2017

Does the sight of blood make the room spin? Here's how to fight back against blood-injury-needle phobia and pump up your resistance to fainting.

Updated: Wednesday 10 November 2021

Published: Thursday 9 June 2016

Natalie battled eating disorders including anorexia and bulimia for over a decade. Now. Nuffield Health's former Professional Head of Nutrition tells us how her experience has helped her to support others.

Updated: Tuesday 16 February 2021

Published: Thursday 13 August 2015

Recent fitness trends have placed a greater focus on resistance training, but that's no reason to ignore the benefits of cardiovascular exercise. Nuffield Health's Head of Fitness, Chris Foster, provides the reasons cardio can improve your health.

Updated: Thursday 3 September 2020

Published: Wednesday 16 November 2016

Being stationary throughout the day could be significantly impacting your health. Professional Head of Clinical Wellbeing, Jay Brewer, explains.

Updated: Wednesday 2 September 2020

Published: Monday 10 October 2016

Struggling to break bad habits and get healthy? Research Fellow and behaviour expert, Dr Sophie Attwood has four tips to boost your chances of success.

Updated: Monday 24 August 2020

Published: Thursday 23 February 2017

Andy had noticed he was getting larger. He was aware that his chest would get tight, and he preferred to hide in the back of photographs. But it wasn't until he applied for the Healthy Weight Programme that he realised how close he was to a catastrophic event.

Updated: Monday 18 May 2020

Published: Tuesday 30 May 2017

This 20-minute workout, developed with Nuffield Health experts in pregnancy fitness, is designed to build strength and mobility to help you through labour and the demands of motherhood.

Updated: Monday 30 March 2020

Published: Monday 9 January 2017

At age 19, Marc Rodwell was morbidly obese and suffering from a raft of mental health issues. His health was so poor he was warned he might not live to see his 25th birthday. But with grim determination and the unfaltering support of his father, Marc clawed his way back from the brink.

Updated: Tuesday 7 January 2020

Published: Monday 9 November 2015

On 7 July 2005 Gill Hicks hurriedly boarded a carriage on the London Underground at the same time as a suicide bomber. As the bomb detonated, the way Gill lived her life changed forever.

Updated: Tuesday 7 January 2020

Published: Tuesday 7 July 2015

Simon has transformed from an unhealthy and overweight Corporate Insurance Advisor to a triathlete and coach following a Nuffield Health Assessment that revealed startling results.

Updated: Tuesday 7 January 2020

Published: Tuesday 23 June 2015

Many of us don't know our family health history, but it's important as many conditions are inherited in our genes. Find out what questions you should be asking when it comes to your family health history.

Updated: Wednesday 27 November 2019

Published: Wednesday 17 April 2019

Almost half of employees feel their work is having a negative impact on their health, research has found. This costs employers £billions in loss of productivity every year. So how can employees stay healthy at work?

Updated: Monday 23 September 2019

Published: Tuesday 12 May 2015

Allergies can dominate your life, forcing you to avoid animals, restaurants and even the outdoors without ever understanding why. But gaining control of allergies could be simpler than you thought.

Updated: Tuesday 9 April 2019

Published: Tuesday 4 July 2017

A healthy diet can help to minimise cancer risk and maintain wellbeing after diagnosis. So what does a healthy diet look like when you're struggling to keep food down?

Updated: Tuesday 19 March 2019

Published: Tuesday 19 March 2019

Having a lot of weight to lose can feel like an impossible challenge at first. But by setting small goals you can achieve big things. Head of Fitness Chris Foster provides some tips.

Updated: Thursday 17 January 2019

Published: Monday 28 November 2016

Your health isn’t just about the number on the scales. Here’s what having above average body fat percentage means for you, even if your BMI is normal.

Updated: Thursday 17 January 2019

Published: Thursday 5 January 2017

For many couples, getting pregnant is not just a desire but an expectation. It's not always easy - here's six things every woman should do to boost her chances of conception.

Updated: Friday 14 December 2018

Published: Friday 15 April 2016

PMS affects women in different ways. For some the symptoms can be severe. Here's how to keep PMS under control.

Updated: Friday 14 December 2018

Published: Friday 6 May 2016

Feeling trapped by your period? Consultant women's health specialist, Dr Annie Evans has this advice.

Updated: Friday 14 December 2018

Published: Monday 13 June 2016