Mr Sandeep Berry



GMC number: 5190379

Practising since: 1991


ENT (Otolaryngology)

Consultation times

  • Weekly clinics


Mr Berry is a consultant ear nose and throat (ENT) surgeon based at the University Hospital of Wales in Cardiff, South Wales. Mr Berry is fully proficient in all aspects of adult and paediatric ENT, with a sub-specialty interest in head and neck cancer. He was actively involved in setting of Transoral Robotic surgery (TORS) for Head neck cancer, as a regional service for Wales, based at Cardiff since December 2019.

Mr Berry specialises in head and neck surgery, Trans oral Robotic surgery (TORS), sinus surgery, voice disorders, laryngology and sleep disorders/snoring.

Sandeep was a specialist registrar on the All Wales ENT training programme and further undertook an advanced head and neck surgery fellowship at Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre (Australia's foremost cancer centre), Melbourne, Australia. He also undertook training for Trans oral Robotic surgery (TORS) for head neck cancer.

Personal interests

Mr Berry is a keen sportsman and regularly plays badminton at a local club. He also enjoy watching cricket and football (supporter of Manchester United).

Languages spoken


Treatments and tests offered by Mr Sandeep Berry at Nuffield Health

  • Adenoidectomy
  • Larynx diagnostic endoscopy (or laryngoscopy)
  • Otoplasty (ear correction / ear repositioning)
  • Head and neck surgery

Locations Mr Sandeep Berry works with

Related experience


  • British Association of Head and Neck Oncologists
  • British Association of Otolaryngologists & Head and Neck Surgeons
  • Fellow of Royal college of Surgeons of Edinburgh
  • ENT UK Head & Neck Subgroup
  • Medical Defence Union
  • British Medical Association

Other posts held

  • Consultant ENT Surgeon, Royal Glamorgan Hospital, South Wales.

Insurers Mr Sandeep Berry works with

Mr Sandeep Berry works with the following private medical insurance providers:

  • AXA Health
  • Aviva Health
  • Bupa
  • Cigna International
  • Simplyhealth
  • Cigna
  • Benenden Health
  • Exeter Family Friendly
  • CS Healthcare
  • WPA


Mr Sandeep Berry does not hold a share or financial interest in this hospital, another Nuffield Health hospital or the company.

Mr Sandeep Berry does not have a share or financial interest in equipment used at this hospital or another Nuffield Health hospital.

Mr Sandeep Berry does not hold any paid advisory role(s) at this hospital or on behalf of Nuffield Health.