Adnexal surgery

Adnexal surgery is performed on the organs near your uterus such as your ovaries, fallopian tubes or on ovarian cysts.

Breast reconstruction

A breast reconstruction is an operation to recreate a breast shape after you have had a mastectomy (breast removal). There are two types of breast reduction procedure which include breast reconstruction using implant and breast reconstruction using latissimus dorsi flap.

Cold Coagulation

Cold coagulation is a heat based treatment to destroy abnormal cells in your cervix.

Dilation and curettage (D&C)

Dilation and curettage (D&C) is a procedure to investigate and treat problems with your womb such as heavy or abnormal bleeding, abnormal growths (polyps) or cancer of the womb.

Endometrial resection in Brighton

If you experience heavy periods and do not respond to conservative treatment methods, then endometrial resection surgery at Nuffield Health Brighton Hospital could be the treatment for you.

Excision vaginal lumps

If lumps in your vaginal area do not respond to conservative treatment, your gynaecologist may recommend removing them. The length and complexity of this procedure will depend on the size and location of the lump.

Female sterilisation

Female sterilisation is a permanent method of female contraception. It involves blocking both fallopian tubes to prevent you from becoming pregnant.

Hormonal coil

A hormonal coil is a form of birth control (contraception) called an intrauterine system (IUS).

Hormone replacement therapy (HRT)

Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) replaces your lost hormones to counteract the effects of the menopause.

Hysterectomy surgery in Brighton

At Nuffield Health Brighton Hospital, our team of Consultant Gynaecological Surgeons have a wealth of experience performing hysterectomies. We are here to help!

Hysteroscopic surgery

To fully examine the inside of your uterus (womb) your consultant may recommend a hysteroscopy. This procedure can be used to both diagnose and treat problems.

Labial reduction (labiaplasty)

A labial reduction (or labiaplasty) is a surgical procedure to reduce the size or reshape the labia.


LLETZ is a common procedure used to remove abnormal cells from the cervix.

Mastectomy (breast removal)

If you are diagnosed with breast cancer your surgeon may recommend removal of your breast. This operation is called a mastectomy.

Myomectomy in Brighton

Get fibroid lumps removed at Nuffield Health Brighton Hospital. They are quite common and although they usually don't become cancerous they can cause discomfort.

Ovarian cystectomy

An ovarian cystectomy can be carried out through two different types of surgery.

Vaginal prolapse surgery in Brighton

If you are suffering from a vaginal prolapse and are not responding to conservative treatment, then you may want to have vaginal prolapse surgery at Nuffield Health Brighton Hospital.

Vulval lesion excision

Abnormal growths or ulcers in the opening of your vagina (vulva) are called vulval lesions. A vulval lesion excision is the removal of the lesions.